Write Pythonic Code Like a Seasoned Developer Transcripts
Chapter: Dictionaries
Lecture: Dictionaries as switch statements
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The Python language has no switch statement. We have "ifs" and we have "for...in" loops and we have "while" loops and that's about it. No switch.
But, we'll see that with a dictionary, we can actually simulate a switch statement, so let's look at that in PyCharm.
Let's see what program we have here. So it starts out by asking which direction presumably do you want to move,
we have this little character, his name is Chippy, so Chippy is going to move in a direction, and what we need to do is we are going to ask,
provide some options: North, South, East, West, South-West, that kind of thing, and then we are going to parse this into a moves enumeration,
you can see we have these various options here, so we are going to focus on this parse method
and then later we'll have a quick glance of this move method as well. So down here, we have the standard parse
and what we are going to do is we are going to go through all the possible cases, if you have a "w", we would like you to move West,
if you have an "s", we'd like you move South or we'll parse this to a "moves.south" and so on.
So we'll see that this whole segment here can be replaced. How does that work? You can replace all these tests for if with basically a key access
so let's go over here and we'll call this like parse_dict or something like that, and we can just start printing the values
so for "w" we are going to have this one, for "s" we are going to have this one, and so on, let me zoom ahead to build this whole dictionary.
So here we have our dictionary built, so how do we use this to actually replace that "if" statement, we'll just say "return parse_dict.get(text)",
so we are actually doing two things here, one we - are looking up the values for each "if" statement
by going into the keys here and because we are using "get" rather than indexing directly into it, we are actually providing the default return value
that was at the very end of that "if" statement, cool, right? So let's run it and make sure that this still works,
so we want to move South East, it says "You chose: Moves.SouthEast", we print it out to just see what we parse to make sure
that that's working, and then Chippy moves South East, yupi, what if he goes North? Oh, Chippy is moving North,
so really cool and clever way to build that switch statement for certain circumstances, when you have this really large set of possibilities.
Theoretically, it can even be faster; so what we have done here is we basically have returned the value given a particular case,
but in switch statements, you can also call functions, right? It's not just a matter of saying "we are going to pick a value"
but you can actually say "we are going to run this block of code if this case matches or that block of code if that case matches."
So let's move down to our character here and make a change there, so, right now it just prints out the same thing, no matter what direction you move,
but what if I wanted to do something like this, "Direction == Moves.North", let's print, "character name moves North with a special hesitation",
"else", otherwise we'll just print they move in some direction. So let's test this. All right, so if we move South East, "Chippy moves South East",
if you move North though, "Chippy moves North with a special hesitation", so could we take this behavior and actually
make this into a dictionary switch style statement? Answer is of course we can, so what does the dictionary look like?
So we are going to need again to define the keys but this time the key is going to actually be the value for direction,
and I added a little type annotation here to say this is moves, so this would be like a Moves.North and then we are going to put something here,
let me just put None for a minute, so we have one for North and one for South. So what we need to put here is executable code,
we could put a function name that we write somewhere else, or we could just write a lambda, something like this,
"Character moves North with the special hesitation", and so on. Now let's just put these two for a minute, just to see how this idea is going to work,
so here we have our action_dict and let's have a default_action that we will use if for some reason we get a move we don't expect.
So here we've got default action "so and so moves quickly to such and such direction." So then, what we can do is I can say the action is equal,
I am using a lot of variables here, we could sort of inline this more possibly but trying to be really clear for you,
so "action_dict.get" and we are going to give it the direction, but we can also give it the default, action so that
if there is no direction method we get this default one and then we can just call "action()" Like so, OK, let's run this.
What directions do we have to move? We could say North, we should see "Chippy moves North with a special hesitation",
awesome, let's go South, "Chippy is going South for the winter!" Now, if we run this and we go South East which is not on our list,
"Chippy moves quickly to Moves.Southeast" Cool, right, so basically here is our switch statement, we probably could inline this a little bit better,
like for example this probably makes more sense inlining, it's, PEP 8 says we should define this as a "def" if we are going to write it that way,
so we can do this, that's a little on a long side, maybe we format it like so, of course,
we want to fill this out for all the reasonable actions that we'd like to handle, so this is nice for really short, small bits of executable code,
I wouldn't write too much code in these little these lambda expressions here but using this to select values
as if you had a bunch of "if" statements, this is really nice, so let's see this concept of dictionaries as switch statements in a graphic.
So here we have basically the code that you just looked at, the moves lookup, we are going to let these specified "w" for West,
"e" for East, "s" for South and so on, then we just say "dictionary.get", give it the text we want to switch on, conceptually,
and we'll either get one of the values we specified or we get None which is a pretty reasonable response for "Hey, I couldn't parse that value."
We saw that these values that go into the dictionary, like in this case Moves.West, it doesn't have to just be a value,
it can actually be an executable function as we saw on our character class.