Write Pythonic Code Like a Seasoned Developer Transcripts
Chapter: Foundational Concepts
Lecture: Multiple tests against a single variable
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Now let's talk about multiple tests against a single variable. What do I mean by that? Here is an example, suppose we have an enumeration of moves,
North, South, East, West, North-East, South-West, things like that, and we would like to test is this a horizontal or vertical move
or is it a diagonal move? So somehow we have received a move called "m", from somewhere maybe this is in a game or something,
and we want to check is it one of the direct, vertical or horizontal ones
so we would say "if m is North, or if it's South, or if it's West, or if it's East, then we are going to match this case."
So this is very common in many languages but in Python, we'll see there is a more Pythonic way of doing things.
So here we are in PyCharm and we have basically the situation I just described. You can see we are in our moves enumeration
and it has these various moves, the four horizontal-vertical ones and the four diagonal ones, and it even has a parse method here,
parse static method and we are going through and we are actually checking hey if we are given a text and the text lower case version is "w"
then we are going to parse that to West, if it's "e" then it's East, "nw" is North-West and so on.
Now we'll see if we can actually improve on this as well but that's not the point of this conversation, OK, so we are going to run our code
and it's going to ask for which direction we want to move, North, South, East, West and so on and we'll use that parse method you just saw.
If it's something it doesn't understand it returns None and as we already discussed we check if it is None, then we bail or print it out
so just you can see what the parse did as and and then here is this code that we have before. So, let's first run this to make sure it works,
OK, "which direction you want to move?" Let's go South-West, move South-West was parsed, hey that's a diagonal move;
we'll try another one, let's try North. North, that's a direct move, maybe the name is a little off but you get the idea.
So let's write in more Pythonic version here. recall in Python that if we have a collection, like a set or something like that,
if we say "s = {1,2,9,11}", we can check for containment and in this set using the "n" keyword,
so if we have "v = 11", we could ask we could say "print v in s" and because 11 is in the set it should come back and say yes,
so let's just say something here, True, yes it's in there. We change this to 12 and run it again, we'll see it False, it's not in there.
So we are going to use this principle to make our test more Pythonic. So we can make this shorter, less error-prone,
easier to read and more Pythonic using that idea, so what we'll say is "if m is in the set of moves to the North,
moves to the South, moves to the West or moves to the East", like so, we could use a list, we could use a dictionary,
but set seems like the right things for what we are trying to express here. Let's just run it and make sure that this still works.
So if we move North, it's a direct move, if we move South-East that's a diagonal move. Let's just try, let's take West, boom, direct move.
OK, so that's pretty sleek, right? So when we have a single variable and we want to test it against multiple conditions, use this "in" keyword,
now this is extremely readable, but in fact, it would be a little bit slower, so most of the time,
a little bit slower in something like this is you know, a millisecond here, a millisecond there, nobody cares, it doesn't matter.
But if this happened to be within a really tight loop, we could improve upon this by taking this set we want to test for
and moving it outside the loop. So we could do some kind of refactor and create a variable here and call this say a direct_moves, like that;
where this gets put somewhere outside of our loop and then inside of the loop we can test it like this, again this should still work, just like before;
North, yes that's a direct move, but sometimes you may want to avoid this for performance reasons.
Let's just do a quick little test to actually understand what the performance implications are.
So here we are going to do a "for...in loop" one million times and let's start out with the version that is not so Pythonic with the multiple tests,
we'll just compute the boolean over and over and over and see how long that took. So let's run this.
So it took 0.2 seconds, so 200 milliseconds for a million moves, chances are this doesn't really matter for you,
but if we want to figure out how long that took for one, we could do something like this, so 10 to the -7, extremely fast but like I said,
if you do it in a million times, hey maybe it matters, let's test a version that is more Pythonic but slightly slower.
Here 0.3 instead of 0.2, no big deal, however we wanted allocating the set each time to the loop, you'll see this is fairly slower.
So 2 seconds, instead of 0.2 seconds, so that's like 10 times slower, so you really have to decide how much does this performance matter
you can see it's almost entirely negligible when you extract it outside of the loop, and you write it like this,
it's still quite fast but it does put indent in when you do it this way. So here I commented out a little test if you want to play with it,
feel free to uncomment it, you should really thrive to do this, this sort of test here, and maybe I'll make it the most readable version
until we have a performance problem, so we can inline this here, excellent, so here is a nice Pythonic way to test a single variable
against multiple values in Python. So this is probably the most natural way to write this code coming from somewhere like C++, Java, C# and so on,
however, in Python we can use this set and the "n" operator to make this much readable, now if we want to see all the cases,
it's very easy just look at what's in the set if you want to add or remove one easy to do and you won't miss an "or" with an "end"
or drop a parenthesis or something weird like that.