Write Pythonic Code Like a Seasoned Developer Transcripts
Chapter: Foundational Concepts
Lecture: Testing for None

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0:01 Next let's look at testing for a special case. Imagine that we are going to call a function and that might return a list
0:07 and that list might have items in it or it might not, maybe we are trying to do some kind of search and there is just no results,
0:14 and yet, if it was an unable to perform a search, we'd like to indicate that differently than if there is just no results.
0:20 In that case, we can actually change our algorithm just a little bit and test for something different. Let's look at PyCharm.
0:27 So here I have this function called find_accounts and you give it some search text;
0:30 it checks to see if the database was available and if it's not available, it returns None, which we know is False.
0:37 Otherwise, it's going to actually do a search against our database and return a list of account ids. However, there might not be any matching results
0:46 in which case that list could be empty, so you might be tempted to say "if not accounts", then maybe I want to just like print something out like this,
0:55 "else", let's actually try to say we are going to print the accounts. This part is going to work fine if there are results, we would list them.
1:01 However, it could be that our search just returns no results, in which case this list would evaluate the False,
1:07 so we are going to change this, we are going to test actually if accounts is None, when you are testing against singletons, and None is a singleton,
1:15 there is only one instance of it per process, we'll use "is" and that actually compares at the pointers, not just the inherit truthiness of the objects
1:23 or some kind of overloaded comparison operator. So now our code is going to work as expected,
1:30 if we literally get nothing back because the DB is unavailable, then we can say oh, DB is not available, otherwise, we might print them out.
1:37 And of course, that set might be empty, we might want to put in additional testing here to say
1:41 "well, if it's empty" like your search works but there is no results, whatever. But the Pythonic thing here is to notice that we are using "is"
1:49 to test against singleton and a special case of singletons of course is the None keyword, which is one of the most common.
1:57 So here we have this in a graphic, so we are calling find_accounts, giving it some search text and we are going to get some results back
2:03 and we want to make sure that not only is it truthy, but it's actually worth specifically testing that there is something we got back
2:11 rather than a None pointer, so "if accounts is not None", and notice, when you negate "is", you say "is not",
2:19 rather "than not account is", which would also work but is less Pythonic.

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