Visual Studio Code for Python Developers Transcripts
Chapter: Course Conclusion
Lecture: Thank you, Summary and Resources

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0:00 All right, folks, you made it.
0:02 It's the end of the course, and we really want to thank you for making it this far and watching all throughout all the videos, all the chapters up to this point.
0:10 We're going to leave you with a couple of things to recap what we and summarize what we covered so that you can reinforce that information, some resources and ways that you can get in contact with folks if you have questions as a result of the course.
0:24 So let's start off with the recap, Cecil. First of all, we started out with getting set up, right? What do we cover in that one?
0:32 So we just talked about like some of the basics, right?
0:36 Like, you know, making sure we have Python on our machines, making sure that we have VS Code because, well, it's a VS Code course, right?
0:42 We might need to have those things on our machine.
0:43 And then talking about the different operating systems that supports and like all of these different types of things.
0:49 And I think we even talked about the different versions of VS Code, right? Like we talked about insiders a little bit.
0:54 We talked about like the main train version. Right. And stuff like that. Yeah.
0:58 After that, we dove deep into the editor to understand it visually and all the different capabilities within it, the menus, the options that are there, what the names are of the different components visually of Visual Studio Code so that we can get acquainted with it and understand when those things are called out later on in the course.
1:17 Following up on that, we dived into editing code. So what's it like?
1:22 What's the experience like out of the box writing Python code in Visual Studio Code?
1:26 And some of the things that can make that a bit of a richer experience for us as Python developers so that we can make our workflows as efficient as possible.
1:34 And after that, Cecil, I think you talked about managing environments in Visual Studio Code, right?
1:39 Yeah. And then when we talk about environments, we're talking about like your workspace, right? And that could be a little confusing, right?
1:46 Because VS Code has a concept of workspace. But as developers, we have our own, you know, somewhat implicit workspace as well, right?
1:54 Like, where do our code go? Where do our assets go?
1:56 And so we talked about some of the different options that are available for Python developers using VS Code to be able to manage those things effectively.
2:02 Excellent. After that, you learned about running and debugging Python in Visual Studio Code, what that cycle and workflow is like.
2:12 And Cecil, anything more to add to that? Yeah, I kind of just figured that, you know, if we're going to write the code, we may as well debug it, maybe.
2:18 Might be a thing we want to do, right? But again, when it comes down to debugging, some of the things that like make the Python extension
2:26 a little bit more, like the code itself, but we're going to need to do some more of that.
2:29 So, you know, the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to build in a little bit more of a code from the application.
2:33 So, we're going to build in a little bit more of a code from the application.
2:35 And then we're going to build in a little bit more of a code from the application.
2:37 And then we're going to build in a little bit more of a code from the application.
2:39 And then we're going to build in a little bit more of a code from the application.
2:40 And then we're going to build in a little bit more of a code from the application. So, that's kind of the first step.
2:42 And then we're going to build in a little bit more of a code from the application. So, that's kind of the first step. where I just run the application,
2:46 print the thing. Oh, did it change? Run the application, print the thing, right? So even though VS Code is an editor and not a full-fledged IDE,
2:54 these are just some of the features that we still expect to make our development cycle a little bit more efficient. Quick note on that,
3:01 I have a confession, Cecil. To this day, I still have like my knee-jerk reaction to debugging something is to write a print statement
3:09 to like log it out. And then I realized, oh, I should use these resources that make this a lot simpler for me. So I'm glad you called that out.
3:17 It'll be a further reminder for me too to use that in my workflow. I'm just trying to help you out, man. That's all. That's what friends are for. Yeah.
3:26 Then once you had your code running and you're debugging it, maybe you want to write some tests, right? And how do you learned in that module
3:33 with Cecil, how to test your code and how to set that up in Visual Studio Code? What are the extension capabilities that you might want to use
3:40 to enhance that experience and so forth? Anything I'm missing there? Yeah, no, you hit it right on the head, right?
3:47 Like we talked about like test discovery, like how does VS Code discover tests? You know, we talked about the different test frameworks it supports.
3:54 And also like, again, some of those other features that we kind of build upon in the last one, right? How do I run and debug my tests?
4:01 Like, what does that look like? You know what I mean? How do I look at my test results? You know what I mean? Like, how can I, you know,
4:06 use those little code lens hints to see what exactly is happening in my application? And then how can I, again, use some of the,
4:13 some of the tools I might have been using outside of VS Code in VS Code and then, you know, bring a little bit of sauce on it to make it a little bit
4:20 more efficient for me. And to close things out with the course, we covered source control with Git. Cecil and I stepped you through
4:27 what that experience is like working on a team, for instance, where you have a remote repository that somebody else is pushing changes to.
4:35 How do you get those changes down through Visual Studio Code and how Visual Studio Code provides a lot of the source control
4:40 capabilities directly in the UI of the application? So, you know, if you're a developer, you can use the built-in terminal and Visual Studio Code
4:44 to do a lot of the work of it. Or if you'd like to directly, you know, keep going with the terminal-based approach with your Git commands
4:49 and that sort of thing, you can use the built-in terminal in Visual Studio Code. Many different options. And that's the theme throughout this
4:55 with Visual Studio Code is it wants to just be an editor or it could be a full-blown integrated development environment for you, depending on how,
5:04 where you want it on that spectrum in that scale when you're working on your project. So in this case, when you want to enhance that,
5:12 you pull in plugins pull in extensions that will help that are geared towards Python development. And that's the overall theme
5:18 we're hoping to get out of this course is that VS Code can be made your own and help you be efficient and productive as a Python developer.
5:26 If you all have any questions or if you want to share any feedback with us about the course, we'd love to hear what you think.
5:32 We'd love to hear what you've built and learned and, you know, what has happened since you've taken this course. Definitely feel free to contact us
5:39 through folks at TopPython at this email that's floating above my head. Magically right now. Again, let us know what you're doing, what you've built
5:46 and like what you've thought about the course in general. Yep. And that's it, folks. We want to thank you again for watching this long, taking the time
5:55 in reviewing and viewing this course and learning from us. We hope you enjoyed and got a lot of value out of it. And maybe we'll see
6:02 in the next course. Thanks. Bye, folks.

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