Visual Studio Code for Python Developers Transcripts
Chapter: Exploring the Editor
Lecture: Summary

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0:00 Alright, that was fun and we hope you enjoyed that module as much as we had fun putting it together.
0:05 Let's quickly summarize what you learned so that you can reinforce that throughout this closing here.
0:11 So, first of all, we learned about the user interface of Visual Studio Code
0:15 and got an interview to get acquainted with that and the different aspects of it that we should know about as first-time users of Visual Studio Code.
0:22 Then we talked about the activity and secondary sidebars. These and what their functions and purposes are for Visual Studio Code
0:29 and how we can use those to our advantage. We talked about the command panel and how it is the gateway to all things and actions and settings
0:37 and whatnot that are capabilities within Visual Studio Code
0:40 that we can do right from the keyboard without even having to lift our hands over to the mouse.
0:44 We talked about the Explorer and how that allows us to view different files and folders
0:49 and then workspaces to help us aggregate different folders, structures together as part of one project.
0:55 We took a look at the status bar and what information that provides to us. While we're writing our code, while we're using Visual Studio Code
1:03 and it gives us at a glance information for us. We talked about the terminal and how that enables you to take terminal-based actions
1:10 within Visual Studio Code without having to jump into a separate tool to handle that purpose.
1:16 We covered the settings in Visual Studio Code that allows you to customize it to your liking
1:22 but also for whenever you add new things to it like extensions that have its own settings to it. You go there to customize.
1:29 You can customize that and configure things the way you need. We covered common shortcuts that you would use to help improve your efficiency
1:36 and use of Visual Studio Code to hide and show different aspects of the UI or execute certain actions within the editor
1:43 so that you can work productively on your Python projects in VS Code.
1:48 And last but not least, Cecil and I shared some of our favorite extensions, just a couple,
1:51 and themes that we like to use to help enhance our overall development experience
1:55 and make the editor a little bit of our own with the different themes, and options that we have there. We hope you enjoyed it.
2:02 The next module, you're going to learn more about the experience of writing Python code and what you can do there within Visual Studio Code.

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