Visual Studio Code for Python Developers Transcripts
Chapter: Exploring the Editor
Lecture: Exploring the VS Code User Interface
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Hey there and welcome to this module on exploring the editor with Visual Studio Code and I want to talk you through what we're going to cover in the module so you have an idea of what to expect.
First of all, we're going to take a look at and get a general overview of the user interface so that we can get acquainted with it and how it works and where things are within that space.
After that, we're going to take a look at the activity and secondary sidebars.
These are the bars that come up on either the left hand side or the right hand side, depending on your preferences and configuration.
You can hide and show those throughout your developer workflow.
After that, we're going to take a look at the command panel, which is your gateway to doing anything and everything all from the keyboard to jump around between different actions and customizations right within Visual Studio Code itself.
We'll take a look and understand the Explorer and workspaces, the Explorer being the area where you can open up folders and files and.
Have visually see what you're working on and workspaces allowing you to logically gather things together or aggregate different projects from different folders together into Visual Studio Code.
Once we're done with that, we're going to talk about the status bar, which is something that gives you active information about the current state of things when you're working on a project.
So things like the file you have open the current cursor position and line that it's on stuff like that within the status bar.
Then we'll talk about the terminal, which is going to allow you to run commands or navigate around different directories, things that you normally would do in an external terminal.
But this one is built into Visual Studio Code. After that, we'll talk about settings. We got to be able to customize our editor to our liking.
We got to tweak things, make things visible that we want visible, hide things that we don't want visible and stuff like that.
Shortcuts and whatnot that you'd like to be able to do.
Speaking of, we'll talk about common shortcuts that you can use to keep your workflow efficient and productive.
And then we'll talk about the default settings. So if you're using a default setting, you can use that.
So that you can jump through your projects, get your things done as fast as possible.
After that, Cecil and I are going to talk with you about extensions, the themes that we recommend that you can check out.
That'll help you and enhance your overall experience developing within Visual Studio Code.
And then that will close things out for this module on exploring the editor Visual Studio Code.