Visual Studio Code for Python Developers Transcripts
Chapter: Course Overview
Lecture: Course Resources

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0:00 Everybody. Before we actually dive into the meat of the course and start talking about the editor and customizing it and debugging and source control and all those other cool topics we're going to cover.
0:11 First, I think it might be important for us to look at some of the resources that are available to you as you're just getting started with the course.
0:17 As you're looking at the screen right now, what you should be seeing is the GitHub repo for the course.
0:24 So VS Code-Python-Course. And so inside of here, you should find pretty much everything that you need to follow along as you're watching some of our videos.
0:33 So you can imagine that the source code will be in there because GitHub, that makes sense, right?
0:38 And then we'll also have a full roommate that'll have links to resources, keyboard shortcuts that we use, settings and commands and things of that nature that we're using as we're going through the different chapters of this course.
0:51 Yes. Anything else you think I'm missing, Brian? No, we'll have links to download VS Code in there.
0:57 We'll have links to the extensions that we're talking about and we'll show you and work you through.
1:01 So anything basically it's one link you need to worry about the GitHub repo for this course and then everything else will be within there to make it simple and easy for you, the viewer here watching the course.
1:12 In addition to that, though, if you want to go and learn more beyond the course, one of the things you can do is go to VS Code's official documentation.
1:20 They have documentation on their website for specific languages. And how? They set things up with that particular language for VS Code.
1:27 And there's one for Python, of course. So you can go through here.
1:30 It's a very high level type of documentation through it that you can, which links off to more things and goes into other topics that we're not going to be covering in this course.
1:40 Things like Jupyter notebooks and whatnot that goes a little bit further in depth within the Python ecosystem than what we're going to be covering.
1:48 You can check that out in addition. But again, the main resource you want to use is the GitHub repo. The GitHub repository. That's it. Right.
1:56 And I'm going to be inside of that documentation site, so you should stick here because we're going to have a lot more fun in this course. Absolutely.
2:03 All right. Well, next up for you, you're going to be moving on to the next module getting set up.
2:08 Cecil and I are going to walk you through that whole process.

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