Using and Mastering Cookiecutter Transcripts
Chapter: Sharing your Cookiecutter template with the world
Lecture: Step 3: Creating the pull request

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0:01 So, we've made the change to the restructured text to put our cookiecutter link in here. Next what we need to do is just create the pull request
0:09 so we've already made the change here, and we've already cloned it over here so let's go back to this folder right here
0:15 cookiecutter is what we want to work with now you can do whatever you want for managing these files in git, I very much like source tree.
0:26 At first it was overwhelming with too many buttons and knobs but once I got used to it I really liked it a lot better than command line
0:32 or any of the other UI tools. So I'm going to come over here and basically register this inside a source tree
0:41 so then I open it up, it already knows about my repository, the history like here you can see all the forked history and whatnot
0:47 because that came from the original one, so I'm going to come down here and say adds this to the Python-Pyramid cookiecutter template
1:00 now you want to be really clear here because this is going to be part of the message that Audrey and the whole Cookiecutter team will see
1:07 Okay so I check it in and I'm actually going to push that back to GitHub, excellent so we have that done, now we go back over to GitHub here
1:15 to our fork, the mikeckennedy not the audrey one and I refresh, it's going to say hey look this branch is one commit ahead of master
1:25 create a pull request, let's do that first of all let's compare to just see what's going on here, we've made a change to one file
1:34 ok that's cool, what is that one change, we didn't mess up anybody else's stuff, but we added this one and we added it here, and what is this deal with
1:47 down below I'm not really sure I think it's just some random formatting or something yeah that doesn't look really changed to me,
1:53 it just looks like some sort of funky detection thing going on there about the diffs okay great so we've added this, and we've added this
2:01 okay so now that I feel happy, I'm not going to break what they have let's double check in, we still have we still have TF module
2:10 yes okay I feel confident that I'm not going to break this I'm going to click create pull request, and notice here
2:16 it adds cookiecutter to pyramid cookiecutter template so I'm going do it like so, just put a little message
2:21 maybe make this into a link so they can review it ok this pull request adds cookiecutter-pyramid-talk-Python-starter
2:29 to the Python-Pyramid cookiecutter templates let's do a preview, make sure it all looks good,
2:35 maybe even double check the link, it looks like it went somewhere cool and I think it's ready to send off
2:42 so now if they accept this PR, it's going to just merge back and show up right there on our page
2:47 okay the pull request is open that doesn't mean they're going to accept it they kind of look through and they're going to say
2:53 you did it well, you messed up something I'm not sure it's going to run some continuous integration you can come back and check that in a little bit
3:01 assuming we did this correctly they'll approve it and it should pretty soon show up in that pantry.
3:07 Oh, one more thing I want to tell you before we move on you saw me editing that restructured text file
3:15 and I want to make sure that everything came together correctly so it would look all right; once I committed it I can go back to my clone
3:24 my fork of cookiecutter, I can come down here and I can click on that restructured text file
3:30 and notice if I scroll down and you can notice that I added this so we can come down until we get to the templates
3:37 or the pantry full templates okay, so we got this, we come down to until we get to the pyramid one and notice right here Python-Pyramid
3:45 the last one is cookiecutter-pyramid-talk-Python-starter there's that and if I click the link- boom, it looks like it works
3:52 okay so just the point is you can come back to GitHub and verify that everything still looks the same as you would expect.
3:58 All right so long as they approve this, and you can participate in the conversation over here as there is the back and forth
4:07 long as they approve this, you should have your Cookiecutter template in the pantry.

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