Using and Mastering Cookiecutter Transcripts
Chapter: Sharing your Cookiecutter template with the world
Lecture: Step 2: Add your listing

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0:01 In order to share your Cookiecutter template you're going to need somewhere where you can put it online and people can access it.
0:10 It could be like a zip file in Dropbox they could download, but probably the best place to put it would be somewhere to like GitHub, because remember,
0:17 you can take the GitHub URL directly and to just say cookiecutter that, and so this is super easy for people to consume;
0:23 so if I want to share my template cookiecutter-pyramid-talk-Python-starter obviously in needs to be on GitHub, and here it is.
0:29 Step number one is to get your thing publicly accessible, next we're going to want to get it into this Cookiecutter documentation page,
0:39 in particular we want to get it right here, so the way we're going to do this is it says, it kind of assumes you know a lot about gitflow and whatnot
0:47 but it says make your own template and then submit a pull request adding yours to the list, so what does that mean?
0:53 Well if we go to the top of this page, and we say edit on GitHub, this is the page they are talking about. We can come over here and we can fork this,
1:02 so the way it works is if we want to create pull request we have to fork the repository, check it out ourselves,
1:07 make a change to our own copy, push that back and then use GitHub to do a fork. So that's what we're going to do.
1:14 So, step number one, fork, let's go here so we're forking it, it takes just a few seconds, it's true, excellent, you can see up here,
1:21 mikeyckennedy/cookicutter and you can see it's forked from audreyr/cookiecutter project.
1:28 So now we need to clone this somewhere, so I am going to come over here and let's take a step back, and what I am going to do is
1:35 I am just going to get cloned it right here so you have exactly what I made, what changes I made here, so git clone that,
1:41 that was easy, right, so then, we'll go in cookiecutter and look around. So if we go down here, we look at README.rst and let's just open this,
1:53 let's open this with Atom is fine, alright, there is a bunch of stuff here, if we go and we look down, we say make your own and submit a pull request,
2:02 okay, great, so what is this section here, we have Python and your job is
2:08 to either create a section or figure out what section is the right one for your project,
2:12 so let's scroll down here, we have Python-Django, that's not us, Python-Pyramid, aha now we're getting somewhere, so what we want to do is
2:21 we want to create one of these here. So let's just duplicate this line, and let's remember what I called it,
2:28 name matters here, right, so I called it this, cookiecutter-pyramid-talk-Python-starter and that's going to go there, let's also make the copy of this,
2:38 you need to give it the URL here so let's copy that, then we need to give it a description here, so this seems like a decent description, close enough.
2:49 Alright, so if we save this, it's possible that I've messed up something, but that I think I got it right, we went to Python-Pyramid,
2:56 we created the cookiecutter-pyramid-talk-Python-starter, we've given it the description and we've given it the link here.
3:02 Excellent, so we've forked the repository, first we put our stuff up on GitHub, we forked the repository, we checked it out, we cloned it,
3:10 and we've now made the change to the README.rst; next up, we're going to have to submit a pull request.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon