Using and Mastering Cookiecutter Transcripts
Chapter: Getting started using Cookiecutter
Lecture: 4 examples in the pantry

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0:01 So let's look at the examples. Here the first one I want to talk about is Pyramid,
0:06 so Pyramid is web framework in Python, and it will create a variety of starter, what are called scaffolds, basically all the starter code
0:14 along with associated CSS, JavaScript, image files, and everything that you need to run this project.
0:20 The way that you create these scaffolds has always been to run a built-in program when you install Pyramid called pcreate,
0:27 so a little bit like the in Django. Now, in the most recent version of Pyramid 1.8.1 maybe 1.8.0, anyway,
0:35 very recently, they just switched to deprecate their own built in scaffold generator
0:40 and the recommended way to create new Pyramid projects going forward is to actually use Cookiecutter, so one of them is pyramid-cookiecutter-starter
0:48 and that is basically the most plain and simple Pyramid web app, they have other ones based on SQLAlchemy and things like that.
0:55 So this started project is in that pantry full of Cookiecutters, what's next? Reproducible science, so check this out, look how cool this is,
1:02 so there is a Cookiecutter calledcookiecutter-reproducible-science, and the idea is to have a very well known agreed upon structure,
1:11 for how you submit reports so if you are going to do some kind of research that has computation behind it, then you will want to create one of these
1:19 and use this structure so that other people can go in and find your code and run it, so here you can see they have things like the data that comes in,
1:26 the internal, the process, the raw data, the external data, the docs, the notebooks, the reports, reports are like your papers, things like that,
1:35 as well as the source code that you might have used to generate these papers, so how cool is that, if you're a scientist or some kind of academic
1:42 this is a really cool thing to get started with. Now, how is that for a blast from the past, Atari 2600,
1:47 anybody want to play some Pitfall- I remember playing this when I was a kid,
1:51 I loved this game, and in fact, I am sure there are still Atari 2600s out there,
1:56 but more importantly, there is probably emulators that you can get and run, so you can go and get cookiecutter-atari2600 and that will give you
2:03 the assembler code that then you compile and can run on your Atari emulator,
2:08 so if you are feeling nostalgic, you want to ride an old school computer game the hard way, with assembly code, here, give it a shot.
2:15 Finally, let's look at the meta template, so the Cookiecutter as Cookiecutter, here is a really nice Cookiecutter called cookiecutter-template
2:23 and we're going to come back and look at this a number of times over, the idea is if I want to create a Cookiecutter project myself,
2:31 I want to create a Cookiecutter template myself, I can use Cookiecutter on this thing and it will generate the exact project structure
2:39 recommended for creating a Cookiecutter template, so there is a lot of cool things going on here we're going to study it
2:46 when we get into building your own templates, but for now, just know if you want to get started with different things like Atari,
2:52 with data science, or even with creating your own Cookiecutter template, there is a Cookiecutter template for it.

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