Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: Open source with git

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0:00 These feature branches. They look a lot like the git flow style that we have for pull requests and contributing to open source.
0:10 So here we have this idea for a new feature. We do a bunch of work, we merge it back again. Maybe we create a pull request there.
0:17 Open source is a little more indirect. We have the actual open source project and we have our fork, our copy of that remote hosted repository.
0:28 Same thing. We do a feature branch type of thing. But instead of opening the PR against our own repository, we open it against the forked repository.
0:37 They have a look at it. They decide, hey, this is great and decide to merge it back or they don't, there's no reason they have to take it.
0:44 There's no requirement there. Right. They didn't necessarily even ask for the pull request. But if they do accept it,
0:49 then you will merge. Synchronize back with the original main branch. Remember to do a feature branch fork before you start this.
0:57 Or you're always going to have a little bit of inconsistency with your copy of the repository. Git makes contributing to open source.
1:05 Fun. So definitely. And keep your eye out for opportunities to do that.

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