Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: Distributed source control

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0:00 One of the signature features of GIT is that it is distributed source control.
0:06 And while it's the most popular and common type of source control these days when it
0:10 came out, that was a revolutionary idea before that everyone just worked on a single
0:17 repository in a single copy of the code and they all just work together. Maybe they'd have their own branch.
0:23 But that was about it that required you to have access to that source control server and all sorts of things with Git that changes everything,
0:31 can clone the repo do everything that you would want to do locally. And if you would like you can follow this git flow pr story that we talked
0:40 about or even if you're just working in a team, you can just push back to that same repository. So everyone has their own local copy of the repository,
0:51 add and commit. And those types of operations only work locally for you, of course, all the history of cloned,
0:58 but something's changed in the meantime on the server,
1:01 you won't know that until you do a fetch or a pull. So distributed source control talked about looks like this.

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