Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: The tools we used

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0:00 Remember I opened this course saying this will be a pragmatic course where we focus on
0:06 taking the best tools to work with source control and not take some least common denominator
0:12 approach and work in just the terminal and hopefully you've gained an appreciation of that approach
0:18 We've used three tools and I gotta say we bounced around quite a bit between
0:24 the tools because I wanted to give you exposure to whatever tool it is you might
0:29 choose to use. Are you going to stick with that lassie and source tree and just do everything. They're great.
0:34 We're going to do that. We did a little on Mac and Windows or if you're going to use one of the core Python editors PyCharm.
0:40 or VS Code. We did a lot of work in both of those as well. So remember all of these are free source tree.
0:46 This is the tool that I use when I need to do real serious git stuff if I need to be sure that I'm doing stuff.
0:53 Exactly right. Or I want every possible detail. Well then this seems like the tool for you.
1:00 I would recommend that you install a new source tree in addition to whatever else you choose if that's some kind of editor.
1:08 We also saw that PyCharm has ridiculously good support for things like regular source control
1:14 but also PRS and working with some of the ideas from Git hub. VS Code. Another great editor.
1:21 I really love git Lens and this way to sort of see the history and what has happened to this file as you just happened to be working through it.
1:28 of course you can turn that off if it distracts you. But I think that's a really cool feature as well. So you understand what's happening around you,
1:35 great editor and has really good support. for git as we saw now I said we're not going to just take this least common
1:44 denominator approach and spend all of our time in the terminal. And of course that's true. That's what we did.
1:49 But that doesn't mean we're issuing the terminal, we're just saying we can't be there. It just should be one of the tools in our tool chest.
1:56 So we saw that we have the terminal on Mac Os and the new Windows terminal over on Windows and we used the Zshell on mac Os and Linux and I recommended
2:07 oh my posh pretty much across the board for its cool integration with git,
2:11 you know, the prompt that shows you if there's any changes and what brings you on and those sorts of things.
2:16 So here's some of the tools that we've covered this is not exhaustive.
2:20 Feel free to go and explore and find more. I'm sure there are more ones which I dont know about.

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