Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Tips and fixing mistakes
Lecture: Tip: GitHub Profile Bling
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Next tip make your Git hub profile look better. When you think about git hub profiles, you should really think of what you have on,
git hub for your user account and your repositories as a modern CV. Or a modern resume. So why not make it look better and stand out compared
to everyone else. There are a whole bunch of details here. So instead of taking you through all of them,
I'm just gonna link you over to an article at bit.ly /3vajz check this out and it will expand out to some huge along url
And here we have an article Maria and she wrote a cool article showing you how to make your github repo look better.
This is something I'm planning on doing. I haven't gotten around to doing it yet. So if you check out my profile, it looks like the standard profile.
We've got a picture, do set a nice picture in there, a little bio, your name and so on. And then it just shows your popular repositories.
You can pin different repositories but you know what popular is fine for me and here's
some other stuff, it shows your contributions and and what not now. You can do better. For example, check out Rias. She's got a cool animated gift.
You can decide if that's what you want to show. You can put like a banner image, you can put a welcome message.
More info about yourself. Ways to connect with you, things you care about. You can show like your git hub stats.
So like what is your sort of open source score here and languages that you care
about and whatnot. This article walks you through all the steps and once you can do that, and also while you're there at links inside that article,
so you can find it there to this place that curates a bunch of great git hub profiles to inspire you and where you can also take example from.
So if you scroll down here, there's a ton of profiles that you can come down here and check out and see this person's profile, what it looks like.
Great. Looks really nice. Right? So if you want to take your GIT hub repository to the next level,
especially if you're using GIT hub as a way to get yourself in front of companies because you want to get a new job or things like that,
you know, consider making it look a little bit better and follow along this article here that Ria wrote.