Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Tips and fixing mistakes
Lecture: Tip: Customize your GitHub repository's features

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0:00 Next tip is customizing your GIT hub repository features. Can not git features but git hub features.
0:09 Nonetheless, it makes your GIT repository better and let's check it out. We're over here in our funny web.
0:14 This is our web app that tells jokes this is the one that we started with Not our rock paper scissor but the other one.
0:20 And notice all these things across the top here. So are funny web repository supports issues.
0:25 So I could come along here and say oh I'm having a problem with this. Funny web. The jokes aren't funny fix it. It also has support for pull requests.
0:35 Git hub actions. These are like continuous integration and other automation automatically formatted and so
0:41 on the code. We have projects which allow us to do can bond boards, we can have a wiki we can have security stuff.
0:48 One thing we don't have is discussions which sometimes discussions might be nice now in this particular repository it's purpose is not to be a product,
1:01 an app, a library or anything like that. It's supposed to be a detail that we give you as part of taking this course
1:08 And so it's not really meant to change for the same reasons. For example having a wiki doesn't make any sense.
1:14 Having projects we're not going to manage it over time where like oh we're going to do a new sprint. Here's the features we're adding.
1:21 No we don't want that. So we can actually go through and change some things about it that are you know,
1:26 make it more appropriate for its intended purpose. First of all it's private. We want to make that public.
1:31 So let's just go over to the settings section. You can rename it. That's not a good idea.
1:37 If anyone's cloned it or you want to keep a checked out clone, you can give it a social image of people share it.
1:44 It looks nice. We're not going to do that, but here's some of those features. It doesn't make sense for it to be a wiki. So we're gonna take that away.
1:51 If somebody finds an actual bug with it, they could submit an issue but I don't really want them to submit it here. I want them to submit it,
2:00 you know, back maybe to the course repository which we're linking to this one from
2:05 as you will see. So I'm going to turn off issues hey people could pay us for it but they're not going to that doesn't make sense.
2:12 Projects. Again, we're not going to do sprints but maybe we'll allow people to have a discussion like a little discussion forum type thing.
2:20 Alright. Those are all good. We're going to allow prs I guess we can allow PRS and we can go through and set some other things and here for example,
2:29 large file system stuff and we could transfer it but we're going to make it public as well. We're going to make public and it says you have to type the
2:38 name which I'm doing. Anyone can fork your repository changes will be published and you
2:47 make it private again. You lose some stuff that could have happened while it was public, but that's fine. Put in my password and here we go now.
2:55 It's public. And if we go back notice we have prs discussions. No more wiki, no more projects.
3:03 No more issues. Because it doesn't make sense for this one. I'm gonna maybe edit some more details on the read me to point people back to
3:11 the main course repository just so they can link back and say if you have issues or problems, you know, talk about it in a central location over there.
3:19 Not that I think they will. If you have one of these repositories, be sure to go through the settings and turn the features on and off.
3:26 That makes sense. For example, on some of our course repositories before git hub, started offering discussions as a feature.
3:35 We would get students who were stuck on a problem file an issue against the repository That doesn't make any sense.
3:43 So filing an issue says there's a thing that is wrong with this code or there's a feature that needs to be added.
3:50 That was not what they were asking for. They were saying. I can't get this to run on my machine because I have
3:55 Python 3.5. Like well because it requires Python 36. That's not an issue with the code and yet there was no space for them to
4:01 have that discussion separate. Right? There was no space like we'll issue is the only place they can file stuff, so here's a bug. I can't do it.
4:10 All right. So you want to make sure like you want to let them have discussions, then turn on the discussion thing.
4:15 And if you don't want to have issues, turn them off anyway. If you go in here, you can turn these things on and off. Don't just go with the defaults.
4:22 It'll help it. You know how people come to your project, work with it as the way you intend.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon