Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Tips and fixing mistakes
Lecture: Tip: Oh my posh
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If you're a Windows user, you may have been feeling a little left out with that. OhMy Zshell conversation we just had.
But don't worry because OhMyPosh and Power Shell to the rescue over here on our Windows machine. If when you are working on the terminal or do you call
it the command prompt? If it looks like this, you need even more help than the folks over on Mac Os because this it's even
less far down the line. Less advanced. Less powerful than the built in bash into Mac Os. But that's not what I use when I'm on Windows.
Oh no, I use the new Microsoft terminal because guess what? It's way better than the old school command prompt.
And look at this. Look at this power shell stuff we got going on right here. So we're using the new,
not the built in but the new power shell that you can get off of. Github from Microsoft, which has a bunch of cool features.
And OhMyPosh gives us this great prompt. That is exactly what we have over on our Mac Os as well as you will
see. So we can come over to some kind of github repo for example here we are in our rps and if we make some changes here and now
we have a new file, you can see that we even have it indicating just like we've seen before. One file has changed one file has been edited and needs
to be dealt with and git we're on the main branch. Much, much nicer experience here. So highly recommend that you check out.
Oh My Posh, if you're over here on Windows, So Microsoft terminal. Oh, my posh, new power Shell and you get a much,
much better, much more git friendly, developer friendly experience.