Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Teamwork: Branches
Lecture: Cleaning up your old branches

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0:00 One thing you might want to consider is tending the garden of your branches on the repository. So let's go over here,
0:08 we're in code and we can click on this little dropdown branch manager and save you
0:15 all branches. So we have our main default branch which is important and we have your branches. Some of these are finished up.
0:25 We don't need them anymore now. You might want to keep them for historical purposes, but oftentimes you might not want to,
0:31 this list over here along the side is going to get longer and longer and eventually
0:35 it's going to become just a tangled mess of yuck that you don't want to deal with. It's going to be completely out of control.
0:41 So for the feature branches and especially this is managed well with the pull request, which we'll get to is this thing is entirely done this one.
0:51 This should live on like what if there's a problem with version 11 and we need a version 12. We want to keep this here so that we can and not
1:00 throw away that work because it was never merged back, but this was merged back and we're done with it.
1:05 So the last thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to delete our feature branch because I don't need to see it anymore and I completely done with.

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