Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Teamwork: Branches
Lecture: Continuing on with v2.1

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0:00 So let's jump over to source tree and see where we are, make sure that it has the branch going on here,
0:08 that it's selected the bug, no input validation branch and now you can see we've
0:13 created this this branch here and it looks like this one's farther ahead but only because of the time. Right we've committed to this one since now.
0:24 We want to make sure we tag this one so that we can get back to it as well. Maybe this one is going to be V1.1.
0:31 Gonna go ahead and push that tag over there. We've gonna release, we've shipped the fix to the users.
0:39 They're like yes we still have our three way three way rock paper scissors and it works great. It's no longer crashing.
0:45 Thank you awesome development team. And just real quickly let's carry on adding one more tiny tiny feature of version two.
0:55 So we want to switch back to the branch. The main branch. So are you going to do that in source tree or we're going to do it in PyCharm.
1:04 Just click here and just say check out and we're back all of a sudden and here you can see our Five way rock paper scissors.
1:12 And the only thing I'm gonna do is just make this version 1-1 just so we
1:17 can see that something happens. Alright so newer version committed real quick path forward is good 2.1 onward towards 2.01.
1:34 Alright let's go ahead and commit and push those changes real quick just to see that this is in sync and there you go.
1:44 You can see now that we've had our version one and then we did our quick little diversion back in time. We rolled back in time for version one and did
1:55 that fix created release V 11 and then we just keep going right where here's V2
2:01 and this is just active development and at some point well or at least to one, call it to one. Tag it and so on. Okay.
2:10 There was a lot of juggling a lot of moving parts there, but hopefully you really got a good appreciation of how we can use branching and tagging
2:18 to, solve these problems of oh, there's a fix. We have to go back and do something right.
2:24 Super common for like Python packages or libraries or shipped applications. Less common on the web. Again,
2:31 unless you're shipping the web app to people for like a software as a service on prem type of story and that's pretty uncommon.
2:37 But it does exist. All right. There's our first reason that we might want to create a branch and it's really great things are good.

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