Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Teamwork: Branches
Lecture: First: Verify the bug

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0:00 Well what's the first thing you do when you get a bug report, you just create a branch and run with it? No, you want to triage that.
0:07 You want to make sure that it's actually a problem. So you go run the game and you type 747 seems like it works. But again, this is version two.
0:17 So how do we easily get back to that version? Well, in all the various tools we have, there is a way to go back to it,
0:23 luckily we've been tagging our releases with V1 and V2 so we can come over here and just say check out this or I could be more intentional and do
0:33 it off of the branch. I could say check out version one and it will said your headboard bug come detached.
0:41 That means you won't be able to sort of commit after this unless you go back or create a branch from there and so on to.
0:49 It's kind of a little bit sketchy, but let's just go ahead and do it. We come back here, notice instantly this changes,
0:58 let's go ahead and run it and just triage it will say seven. Yeah, so there is the bug that's unfortunate. Okay, well now what what do we do?
1:11 Well, of course we want to fix this and we want to roll it out but we don't want to take the other changes this branch for a feature fix that
1:18 we've been working towards. This is where we're going right and you can see down here there's this sort of warning that you're not,
1:26 you're detached. And so it doesn't point 2.0 branch, which means you can't make changes and check them in really.
1:32 So that's a little sketchy. And while we're talking about branches, notice down here, I can click on this and it will actually take me to
1:42 the different branches. Right now, there's only one, but you can create new branches, merge branches and stuff in PyCharm right there,
1:48 much like you can over here.

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