Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Teamwork: Branches
Lecture: Reason #5 for branching: Open source

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0:00 Now the final reason that you might create a branch is because you want to contribute to open source. That's going to look very,
0:09 very similar to a feature branch. And I even said the way we might structure the conversation within our team of bringing
0:17 all those changes over and code review and everything could be what's called a pull request Remember that's a git hub thing.
0:23 Built on top of some of these features. It's not built in to git itself.
0:28 Well, it turns out that that's the primary way that people contribute to open source
0:32 projects as well. But the way that that happens is slightly different because you do
0:37 your changes on your fork of the repository and then the poor request does emerge not
0:42 back to your main branch, but to the main branch of the actual forked project or wherever that branch originated from.
0:52 So that's a little bit different. It's a little bit nuanced, but it's very powerful and it's a great way even
0:56 if you're not doing open source to structure the conversation around a set of changes,
0:59 but it's especially important for open source so much so that our next chapter is about
1:05 that, not this one. So we're just going to focus on these 1st four
1:09 in this chapter and then we have a whole dedicated section on git flow and pull request and all kind of stuff.

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