Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Our first git repository
Lecture: Concept: .gitignore file
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Let's quickly review ignoring files in any git hub repository at the very top, directly next to the .git folder. If you have a .git,
ignore file, you can match all sorts of patterns that are going to be ignored
for automatic group operations like git add. which adds everything recursively or you saw
in the tools they find all the files that maybe need to be added and suggest them to you. If you want to exclude some things like build files and cache
files and so on, then you just edit this. git ignore you here, you can see we've got the first one is done to
pycache/ That's everything under that folder. We have *.py[COD] or *.SO. These are everything that matches that pattern and so on.
When you create your repository, this is automatically selected on a per language basis.
So for example, C++ has one set of working files that Python might not care about or ever encounter and vice versa.
Similarly, C# might have something very different than say Python. Okay, like DLL files and
obj files and whatnot. So make sure that you pick the right git ignored the one for your language. When you look at that list,
you saw a great long list of actual language files. Did you know that you can go over to github.com /github/git ignored and they actually have one,
you know, for every single language. So if you want to see what's going on in those git ignored,
you can come over here and say well here's what a swift git ignore file looks like. And so if you want to say grab the stuff from
C# C++ and Python and squish it together or git QT In Python or something like that.
Well you can go over here and if you really really want to make a change
you could even suggest a change to the global Python git ignored and you're like I don't know how hard it is to get something in there.
Probably pretty hard but it is open here in github so you can look at it and make suggested changes.