Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Our first git repository
Lecture: Connecting the repo to VS Code and PyCharm

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0:00 Here we have our repository that we just cloned. You can see it has the license, this is the MIT
0:06 License we selected and the bare bones read me hitting command+shift+dot(.) reveals a couple of things that git ignore which we'll talk about later.
0:15 And the .git folder. So this is the root of our repository right there Now. We want to work with this and write some code.
0:22 Do you want to work with this in Visual Studio Code? Sure. So you drag the folder on top of Visual Studio Code or on windows
0:29 You go over there and you say file open browse here and here you are Check this out. What did I have to do to connect this to get
0:37 How do I know if I for example were to add a new file like app.py? How would I know what should be happening to this and git
0:45 notice? It's already got this cool green color. Just like PyCharm did. And down here we have our main Visual Studio Code
0:53 and PyCharm, both natively understand. Git and it's their preferred way to work.
0:59 So we've already got our branch down here we can do all sorts of operations on it and it has a little star.
1:05 And even right here go to source control you can see there's a pending change of adding this new file app.py What if you'd rather work in PyCharm?
1:15 Sure. Same deal, drag it on there and on the left is there a source control thing, nope. But on the right there is let's get this virtual
1:24 environment thing out of the way for a minute notice over here. You can see it has stuff about the source control.
1:29 We're not going to work with it yet through that way. But notice that these automatically when you open a project contained within some git repository,
1:37 they just light up there, get features. It's fantastic. And even up here you can see the get features turning on and
1:43 again the color of this one is red because it's not yet added. Now let me change my virtual environment real quick.
1:50 I want to have a dedicated one new virtual environment right there called 'venv' So I'm going to base that on Python 3.10 and you can see it's
2:02 created this virtual environment for us to work with right inside the project.

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