Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Our first git repository
Lecture: Cloning a repo with Sourcetree

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0:00 We've created our hosted github based. Get repository. But now how do we work with it again?
0:08 We could drop into the terminal or command prompt and just issue direct git commands against it
0:12 But rather let's get started with one of our nice Ui tools that we're going to use to work with our git files and our git repositories and so on.
0:23 So that is a source tree. So head on over to Atlassian.com/software/ Source street or just google
0:29 source tree and go there and download and install it for your system. I've already done that and it's already set up down here in my dock.
0:39 So there's a couple of options on how we might work with our repository that we've
0:44 created on github here. So one of the things that's really easy to do if you already have a repository,
0:49 you just take the folder and you just drop it over there and this will read that it's a git repository and go with it.
0:57 You can even see like the branches that are active in the particular repositories. But if you don't have it downloaded yet,
1:04 you could either clone it on the command prompt terminal. There you go here and say clone from url go back now. If you look at this code section,
1:14 this green button, it indicates like maybe go here to start or to do something So you can see there's all these ways in which we could clone something.
1:23 Here's the 'url' We can do that with ssh or the github cli or opening. Github desktop or even visual studio and it's not totally discounted that.
1:32 We could just download a zip file of the contents. That's cool. But usually I don't do any of that. You can just copy the web,
1:39 you are, as long as you're at the root of the project, go over here and put that in. So it says great, this is a git repository.
1:49 We're going to call, going to put it into a folder called Funny Web and it's going to go here, let's actually put that on our desktop like that.
1:57 If you want, you can expand this out and get different branches and do sub module stuff and so on. But we're not going to do that.
2:04 We're just going to take this default here and it should show up right there. Look, it opens up not a whole lot going on. If we look at the history,
2:12 you can see there's this initial commit and there's actually a couple of files that were created to read me, for example,
2:19 by me, All of this happened on github, not here on our system, but now if we want to do a pull or
2:26 a push or we want to see the files that could be committed all of that stuff is ready to go here in our repository.

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