Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: The '6' core git operations
Lecture: Status

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0:00 The next core idea or command is git status over here on our computer. We've got our repository, we want to know what files have we changed.
0:12 What files could be added that are just hanging around. What have we deleted all those kinds of things.
0:17 Basically. What is the state of our repository of uncommitted work locally. So that's where status comes in.
0:27 We can go over and if we have these three files we could type git status and you would see that on the command prompt is going to show us like,
0:34 oh, file two is actually new and file three is untracked. Great. But that's not how we normally see it.
0:41 Normally we're in something like source tree where we have a cool listing that says, look here, you have some pending files,
0:49 File two is green with a plus and it's got a check that means it's added
0:53 and ready to be committed. File three as a question mark because it's just completely untracked. But if you check that check mark,
1:00 it will add it. We can also see that in PyCharm in the colors in the projects and the editors.
1:06 Again, you don't necessarily directly work this most of the time. It just happens behind the scenes with the UI tools that we're using.
1:13 It's worth pointing out. This has no relationship to the hosting server if there are changes or other things going on that other people have done.
1:23 Maybe unsynced changes. You have stuff you could push or stuff you could pull
1:27 it doesn't address that. This is only about what has happened locally on your copy of the github repository.

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