Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Introducing Git
Lecture: Installing git

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0:00 Would it surprise you to know that you have to install Git to do interesting things in our git course. Well you do. So how do you do that?
0:10 How do you get git now? You might already have it. A lot of systems come with it installed.
0:17 If you install other tools, visual studio or something maybe that also installed git.
0:22 And you didn't realize it if you run X code on Mac and it asked for the command line tools that might bring git with it.
0:31 So go to your terminal and just type git and hit enter and see what happens. Does it give you a warning that as an unknown command or did
0:40 something happen? But you also want to make sure that you have a relatively new version of git so if you don't have git or if you check,
0:48 say here at the time of recording 235.1 is the latest. If you're significantly older than that, you want to update your git how do you do that?
0:57 So you can come over here to git official homepage, git-scm.com, that's source control management and go to the downloads page
1:08 and download the installer and run it. That should absolutely do it. One of the disadvantages of using this way is that
1:15 it doesn't auto update itself or there's not a great mechanism for updating itself over time
1:21 personally, I like to use the package managers to get git on my systems because
1:25 then when I just say package manager update all the things I get the brand new Git it's a lot of git so on MacOS.
1:33 I used Homebrew and with Homebrew I installed it that way on Windows. I use the Chocolatey package manager system. There's also I think Win git,
1:43 but I don't use that. I've only used chocolatey and on Linux there's usually something built in a package manager, for example,
1:50 on Ubuntu, you have apt and so on. You can just say apt install, git apt upgrade git. So I recommend if you're feeling adventurous to use one
2:02 of the package managers again, Homebrew Chocolatey or the built in Linux package manager.
2:08 If you just don't want to mess with it and you want to just work downloaded here and install it. That should be good for now.

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