Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Introducing Git
Lecture: What is VCS

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0:00 What is version control often referred to as VCS or version control Software. Version control is kind of like a superpower to be honest.
0:09 It lets you fearlessly change and experiment with your software. Just focus on yourself. You can try to make all sorts of changes and version
0:18 control will allow you to go back in time to the way your software used to be If you're working in a team it takes it to another level.
0:26 Your team can collaborate on software and different people can work simultaneously on different parts of the code and bring that together.
0:34 If there's any kind of problems, say you've released version two but somebody's reported a version one problem you need to fix
0:40 that right away. You can't just go and somehow revert version to back. But with source control you can go back find that location,
0:49 Split it off into a parallel branch of development. Very much like this pink or green line.
0:55 You might see here split off into a parallel branch of development,
0:59 fix that problem and release it without interrupting the latest version of your software.
1:04 So version control software saves the history of your application as it was through time.
1:11 Both in a direct way you've released it sort of style but also in a parallel development. Maybe you've explored some feature.
1:20 You tried that out and decided not to integrate it. Well that's going to still be there in your history.
1:26 If you have automatic releases and testing through continuous integration.
1:29 Usually version control is at the center of the exchange and notification of new versions of your software to kick things off like that.

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