Responder Web Framework Mini-course Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: Follow along

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0:00 Think back to when you were younger, much younger. And you were playing with Legos or something like this. These look like so much fun, right?
0:08 And see, there's a little dragon head there in the middle and there's a bunch of blocks and maybe somethin' from a spaceship, who knows?
0:14 Well, this looks like fun. But it's a lot more fun to actually follow along and build something.
0:21 So this course is built for you to follow along in two ways. So I want to highlight those right at the beginning.
0:26 In case you want to follow along, you can. You don't have to, all right? If you just want to watch and let it wash over you
0:33 that's great, you can totally do that. But if you want to follow along there's two things you can do. First, when we work our way
0:39 through all the demos and stuff you could pause the videos and just go and recreate that. You might need to grab the data that we're using
0:46 off of the GitHub repository. But after that, you should be able to follow along and create it yourself. So one, step one, round one, version one
0:53 of this would be to follow along. The second is this thing I'm calling "Your Turn." So if you GitHub repo, actually to this folder here
1:02 linked at the bottom, you'll see we put together a separate independent project that was not presented in this video for you to also follow along.
1:12 So here we are in this responder webframe marked "Minicourse", Github repository. And here's your turn I was talking about.
1:20 So if we go in here you can see, there's a couple of steps. It's not like, do X, type Y, and so on.
1:26 It's more like, here's some ideas of how you can explore to build something with Responder. We're going to use this Mockaroo service
1:34 go over here you can see if I log in. Mockaroo will let us generate things like ID, first name, email. And I can even preview it and it'll show me
1:43 some pretty cool data there, actually. But you can go further and click here and say "I would like a animal scientific name," or, "Bitcoin address."
1:51 You see, there's all sorts of stuff here. So the idea is, you go to this Mockaroo service. You look through that data source
1:59 of sets of data sources you can generate, and go "Oh, I have an idea for a veterinary clinic," "or a Bitcoin company," or whatever, right?
2:07 Look through and find something interesting and generate a bunch of data. You can save it as JSON, here's a way to load it back up
2:12 as JSON into Python dictionaries that you can use. And then here's a simple example of building out some sort of API endpoint.
2:20 And you'll have seen this, you'll see how this goes. So here, just a reminder on how that works. And you always look back at the demo code.
2:28 And I encourage you, after you've seen the short course after you've followed along, to go explore Mockaroo.
2:33 Build an interesting fake data set and then build an interesting fake service to work with that. All right, well hopefully this adds a fun twist
2:41 at the end of the course for you.

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