Responder Web Framework Mini-course Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: Welcome to the Responder course

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0:00 Hello and welcome to this short mini course on the Responder web framework. Maybe you've heard of Responder it's written by this guy, he's done a few
0:10 open source projects in Python his name's Kenneth Reitz. So, likely you've heard of Kenneth because of his Requests library
0:17 and Kenneth is pretty well known for creating clean and well liked APIs. So, when he said hey, I know there's a bunch
0:25 of web frameworks out there, but I'm going to create another one to put my stamp on what that API might look like well that got my attention.
0:32 And probably it got your attention as well. So, if you want to see what this web framework that Kenneth Reitz came up with looks like
0:40 and take it for a tour well you've come to the right place. Let's talk quickly about what we're going to cover.
0:47 First, I'm going to talk about some of the key features. After all, with this mini course we're not going to be able to dive deep
0:52 into some of the really intriguing things that this framework takes on, for example it has async run as background work that you can run in process.
1:01 It has web socket support it has really good async methods that you can work with. And we're not going to dig deep into that
1:09 but we will talk a little bit about it. We're going to go and build an async capable API and notice I didn't say async API
1:16 because we're not actually going into async here that's well beyond the scope of this I have a very long course on that
1:23 and you're welcome to take it and it's super, super powerful and it's one of the things that drew me to this framework, however we're not
1:28 going to go into those details. If you know async in a way, all the view methods and API endpoints we create here with Responder
1:36 you can put async def on the method and you can do await within it it's really, really great for scalability but again, we're not going into it.
1:44 We're going to create two kinds of views or processing with this web framework. One is going to return templated Jinja2 based views.
1:52 I'm going to go to the database to go to a data source and then I'm going to convert that into a dictionary, I'm going to pass that dictionary
1:59 to a Jinja2 template, Jinja2 template's going to be rendered into rich HTML, that's great. The other kind are more HTTP API endpoints.
2:09 Here we're going to do a get request or a post request over to an endpoint and return some kind of JSON. These JSON endpoints, they're fun
2:17 and they're cool, but you know they just exchange little bits of data. Wouldn't it be fun if we had a really awesome app built around it?
2:24 Why, yes it would. So, we're going to take an app that I built using Vue JS to explore this API and it's really fun, it's really interactive.
2:32 Again, same reasons as async we're not going to go into Vue I'm going to show you how the app works I'll give you like the one minute flyer
2:38 of Vue JS, but I will give you this rich application that works with this API that we will build during the class.
2:46 Now, I said it a few times but I just wanted to remind you, this is a fast course we're just going to go really quickly
2:51 into some of the key elements of Responder we're going to build some JSON APIs we're going to build some cool apps to consume it.
2:58 Think we're going to have a lot of fun. So, with that in mind, let's just keep moving. Now, what do we expect you to know in order to take this class
3:04 and get the most out of it? Well, Python obviously. We're not going to cover any of the foundations you don't know what a foreign loop is
3:11 or things like that, there's other places you probably should start and then come back here. This assumes that you know like the majority
3:17 of the core Python language. We're not doing meta classes and deep things but the basic Python syntax, you should definitely have that down.
3:24 And it is a web framework, we're not going really deep into the foundations of what REST APIs are or why you care about them.
3:31 Or what HTTP verbs are, we're going to assume you kind of are familiar with that and we want to build something in Python with Responder.
3:38 These are the expectations for the course. And finally, let me introduce myself, who am I? Who's this guy talking to you? My name's Michael Kennedy
3:44 that's a picture of me, you can find me on Twitter @MKennedy. You might know me from the Talk Python to Me podcast
3:50 you may also know me from the Python Bytes podcast but most relevant for this conversation I'm the founder and one of the main authors
3:58 at Talk Python Training. Welcome, welcome to the course. It's going to be a lot of fun and it's not going to take a lot of time
4:04 so I think that's a beautiful mix and I hope you enjoy it.

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