Reactive Web Dashboards with Shiny Transcripts
Chapter: Reactive effects and events
Lecture: Reactive effect

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0:00 Okay, so we've learned a lot about reactivity and we kind of understand roughly how reactivity works
0:06 in Shiny. You might, as you start developing Shiny applications, realize that there are some
0:11 interactions that are really, really hard to capture in a reactive framework. So let's go
0:17 through one of those interactions and see, you know, just how maybe reactivity is not giving us
0:21 everything that we need. So this is an example of a modal. So this is a feature of Shiny where you
0:27 can click a button and have this important message or some other thing pop up and let the user
0:32 interact with it. And when you sort of think about this interaction, it's a little bit hard to figure
0:37 out how it fits in a reactive framework. I'm sure we could do it with some work, thinking about
0:42 storing some reactive variables or something, but this is a little bit different than a lot of the
0:48 other interactions we've been dealing with because we're really triggering a side effect, right? So
0:52 when we click this button, it's triggering this side effect of this message popping up. And we
0:56 click this button, there's a side effect where it's going away. And these types of side effect
1:02 interactions are a lot easier to deal with using event handling. And event handling is a little
1:08 different from reactive programming where instead of defining the relationships between things and
1:14 letting Shiny figure out when to implement them, we actually want to tell Shiny what to do when
1:19 this happens, right? We want to capture this particular event and handle it somehow. That's
1:24 why it's called event handling. So in Shiny, those event handlers are called reactive effects.
1:29 And down here at the bottom, you can kind of see this reactive effect and reactive event decorator.
1:35 That's what makes it sort of escape the traditional reactive framework and instead let you do
1:41 something specific when that particular action happens. So let's go through an example of that.
1:49 The example I'm going to use here is I want to let the user update the label of this species
1:55 checkbox. So this is a little bit of a synthetic example. Probably you wouldn't really want to do
1:59 it, but it's illustrative of the type of pattern that you're going to use to do some of these
2:03 interactions. So I need a text box and I need a button to let them enter a new label and to click
2:10 the button to change that text box. So we know how to do that. So I'll use input text, new label,
2:17 and then I'll also add a UI input button for update. I save that. It'll rerun and now we have
2:24 this space where somebody can add some text and click this update button to do something with it.
2:31 Right now this isn't connected. It's not doing anything. So we're going to add a reactive
2:36 effect. This again, just like reactive calculations, can go anywhere. So we're going to call this
2:42 update label. And for now I'm just going to click say pass, ignore the copilot.
2:49 So there are two things we need to use as decorators. So one is a reactive effect decorator.
2:56 This just says that this is a function that is triggering a side effect. And then we're going to
3:01 do reactive event and specify the trigger of that reactive event, which is this update trigger. This
3:08 reactive event is exactly the same as we used for controlling reactivity in the last session. So
3:15 reactive event is a generic thing. It can go under any reactive decorator, reactive effect, render,
3:21 any of the render decorators, or reactive calculations. And it'll just trigger this
3:26 function when this input is passed. So here I'm going to use something called the update functions
3:33 so we can update checkbox group. And this takes the speed, the ID. So this is the same ID that
3:42 we are specifying down here when we're defining the checkbox group. And you can pass any argument
3:47 that you would normally pass to the function that creates the input to the update method.
3:54 So we're going to say label, and then we're going to say that's going to be input new label.
4:01 So what this is going to do is whenever I click this button, it's going to update the label of
4:06 that input to be the label that I've typed. So I enter that and I click update, and you see that's
4:15 going to change. There's one other thing probably we want to do here. We probably want to clear this
4:19 text input at the same time. And we can do that the same way that we did with the label by having a
4:28 UI update text input text and call that new label. And the value is just blank.
4:38 So now when I type my species or whatever, it's both going to update that label and also clear
4:49 the new label text input. One of the most common problems that I see when people are starting to
4:55 develop in Shiny, especially if you have experience in another web application framework,
5:01 is that you use reactive effect too often. So some other frameworks, event handling is the only way
5:06 that you can build interaction with your application. So it's often the first thing that
5:10 people go to. But with Shiny, you want to do the opposite. You want to start with reactivity,
5:14 start with the declarative framework where you're just telling Shiny what to do and letting Shiny
5:18 figure out when to do it, and only use reactive effect in particular circumstances. And those
5:23 circumstances are when you want to handle side effects. So some examples of that is anytime you're
5:28 posting to an API or downloading a file or making some specific change to your application in
5:35 response to user actions, you usually want to reach for reactive effect. Everything else,
5:39 you should try to use the traditional reactivity pattern. This will result both in you doing less
5:44 work because there's fewer things that you need to worry about, but also in your application being
5:47 more efficient. For the most part, Shiny will do a really good job of rendering your application
5:51 and adding in a bunch of reactive effects where you're handling particular things will often just
5:59 kind of get in the way of that execution. So it's for things like this where you want to update a
6:03 UI element or handle a button click or something like that. That's where the case is where reactive effect is really helpful.

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