Reactive Web Dashboards with Shiny Transcripts
Chapter: Hello Shiny
Lecture: Running course notebooks

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0:00 The second thing is on the course website. This is a an exercise based course
0:05 So we have a bunch of extra exercises which you're going to ask you to do and also ask you to do every one of them
0:12 they're very straightforward and each of them is going to either teach you like a single concept about shiny or
0:17 Test you in some sort of failure state to get to get make sure that we sort of run you through all the common bugs
0:24 That new learners kind of experience when they're using shiny and what's special about these exercises
0:28 Is that they're all run in your browser. You can use run them in your browser with WebAssembly
0:33 so you don't actually need to install anything to get started and
0:36 They have sort of goal which gives you the target application that you're trying to do the problem and then the solution
0:44 So if you want to edit these in the website
0:46 You can just go ahead and type in this little web editor and click rerun app to run it or if you prefer to do
0:52 It locally each of them have a little have a link to their
0:56 applications that run them so you can open these up in VS Code and work on the app dot pi file and if you get
1:02 Stuck or just want to know the answer and go to the app solutions dot pi file And we'll do these these sets of exercises between each of the videos
1:11 So you see we have basically there's five right now. It's going to be one more on here
1:15 You can sort of go through there's about seven. So thank you very much and I'll get to see you on the next one

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