Reactive Web Dashboards with Shiny Transcripts
Chapter: Hello Shiny
Lecture: Shiny components

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0:00 But before I get started with that, I just wanted to show you a couple of different things that we're going to be working through.
0:07 So first of all, for all of the inputs and outputs, just like I was mentioning before,
0:13 you have the Shiny Components Gallery and the reference, the documentation here. Shiny Express would be the documentation you're looking for.
0:20 So if you're wondering about syntax or how things actually work, this is a really good spot to look.
0:26 So for example, in the slider that we were just working with here, you can click through
0:30 to the slider and get a runnable value of this with the code that you would use. So here we have some code.
0:39 There's also sort of more details about how this thing actually works.
0:44 So this kind of gives you a nice sort of simple visual place to get oriented of just like,
0:49 oh, I'm trying to replicate that particular type of behavior I'm looking for. What component do I look for? This is the place to go.

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