Reactive Web Dashboards with Shiny Transcripts
Chapter: Hello Shiny
Lecture: Creating interactive inputs

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0:00 So now that we have this, you know, we can print it out. We can use that function or that value just like we would use any value.
0:08 So we have a number here. So I can say df, I think this is body mass g. I'll use the autocomplete. So df body mass g is less than input mass.
0:22 And I'm going to return that, the subset of the data frame there.
0:27 And if I take a look here, we can see that if I kind of go really small, I get only one penguin.
0:34 And as they get a little bigger, you know, the data frame is changing.
0:39 If I scroll down here and go over to the mass, you can see that these are all kind of the lighter penguins.
0:44 They're all less than 4,400 grams give us the right value. And that's kind of the basic pattern that we're going to be using for most of our Shiny
0:54 applications. So we will usually have some inputs that are going to be consumed by outputs.
1:01 And those outputs are generated by these render, these functions that are decorated by one of these render decorators.
1:08 And using that, you can have many inputs, many outputs, you know, one output, which is
1:13 consuming many inputs, outputs, which are sharing inputs, all those different types of things.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon