Reactive Web Dashboards with Shiny Transcripts
Chapter: Hello Shiny
Lecture: First Shiny app

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0:00 But this is a course where we're going to start from scratch. And so I'm just going to start off by going ahead and
0:08 deleting everything and starting from a blank slate. And again, what we're using here is Shiny Express.
0:18 And for Shiny Express to work, you need to import something from the module.
0:25 And this is going to start almost all the scripts that you're going to use in this course is import, or I'm sorry, from
0:34 And you just need to import some object. So in this case, we're going to be importing UI to just get started. Oops. Import UI.
0:47 And then now that we have this one line, import shiny express, we can run this application and it'll run it.
0:55 You can see we have a little web server running in our terminal down here. But we don't have anything in this application yet.
1:01 So to just generate some things in this application, we're going to start pulling things off of this UI submodule.
1:09 The UI submodule includes all of the UI elements. So there are some HTML tags, inputs, various different things like that,
1:17 layout objects, cards, sidebars, things like that. In this case, we're going to be using a UI H1, which is just a heading one.
1:24 And we're going to call this my dashboard. When I save it, since I used the VS Code extension,
1:35 it will automatically re-execute the application as soon as I make a change. So we have UI H1 dashboard, and we'll do maybe UIP.
1:47 So this is all good, but effectively what we're doing here is writing a static document. There's no interactivity here.
1:53 It's just a kind of odd way of writing HTML. And what we want to do is we want to start using some interactivity.
2:02 And to do that, we need to import another thing, which is called render. So render is what lets Shiny kind of react to a particular action.
2:11 So whenever anything is inside a render decorator, that means that it's going to be reactive in some form. And how that reactivity is going to manifest
2:18 is going to differ based on each case. Let's start by pulling in the data. So whenever you're working with static files on your site,
2:26 I recommend using pathlib and this path object. And what that's going to do is basically let you define the location of this file relative
2:35 to the location of this app file. And that means that if you're running it, you don't need to worry about your terminal being in the right directory
2:41 to run the application. And we're also going to import pandas to do the actual reading.
2:52 So we have df, and we're going to actually start by just breaking this up into two little bits. Call this file path.
3:00 And so the path to the file gives you the path to this file. And my copilot is very helpfully giving me the thing that I actually want.
3:10 And then I'm just going to use this penguins.csv file. Call this file path. And then df, we can just do pd readcsd file path.
3:26 And just to see that that worked, I'm going to try saving it. And you see we have this pandas data frame read in and printed out in the console.

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