Rock Solid Python with Python Typing Transcripts
Chapter: Typing Guidance, Patterns, and Advice
Lecture: To Optional or Not
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More of a pattern than advice, something you really want to keep an eye out for because the Python type system doesn't enforce it very well,
although we've certainly spoke about optional or maybe when things are not optional in the Python type system. Here's a function, getUser,
and we have an email that we pass in. Presumably we're gonna go look in a database or some lookup given email, let's find the user by that email.
You can see it says it returns a user. Great, that's really nice. However, what if a user with this email doesn't exist?
Right, if this is arbitrary email input we could put in here, there's no guarantee that the user will exist here. Right, maybe somebody says,
I'm trying to log in, here's my email. You're like, ""Well, you typed in an email that doesn't exist in our website, in our database, no user.
What do you do? If you have it written like this, we return a user, a concrete user every single time.
Remember Python types say you cannot have none, right? They're not optional or user pipe none or any of those things.
User means there is a concrete user that will always be returned. Never ever will it not be a concrete user object.
So that implies a certain kind of use case here. It requires that the author of this function, if they're gonna be true to the type system,
will throw an exception if the user is not found. There's no way to return from this function normally if there's no user, right?
You can't return none. So that's a choice you can make. And certainly people do write code like that, but that means anyone who uses your code
has to use a try except sort of design pattern. And so think about if that's what you want. If that's not what you want,
then you should say this returns an optional user, in which case it's allowed to return none if you pass an email for a user that doesn't exist.
Again, you can write this user pipe none or optional of user because the pipe thing means that here's just a combination of types.
As I've already said many times, I'm a huge fan of saying optional, like it's either a user or it's nothing.
And so I prefer this, but you take the pick, write it however, but that doesn't matter. What you need to do is say it's optional or none
or a user or none. And you have to explicitly express that if it's not the first pattern, either it's a user or it's an exception, right?
So either of these in my world are fine. I honestly kind of like the lower one a lot of times because you don't necessarily want it.
It's not a problem. You want to just check, does the user exist? If not, give me none and I'll do something, right?
So it's not an error that the user doesn't exist. It's just, you know, the type system and the first one didn't express it.
So think carefully about optional or not optional and what that means for not just the types you put in your function,
but actually the design patterns that you use and you force your users to use, your consumers of your functions. Super interesting, I think.