Rock Solid Python with Python Typing Transcripts
Chapter: Typing Guidance, Patterns, and Advice
Lecture: Types on the Boundary

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0:00 Let's say you've got a program and it does not yet have types or you're thinking about
0:06 where you want to employ types in a somewhat complicated application.
0:12 We're talking multiple files, we're talking maybe you're thinking in architectural layers, right?
0:18 Here's some of the logic of the application and here's the data access layer or the part that calls the APIs and those kinds of things.
0:26 If you reach that scale, which I think is not very big at all, but you know, more than one file, I want to start thinking about the boundaries.
0:34 So one of the really important things that typing can provide is it can make sure that
0:39 consumers of code provide the correct information, assuming that they're using the tools at all, right?
0:47 They have a proper editor of some sort, or maybe they're running my pie, or there's some kind of continuing integration.
0:52 But assuming that the consumers of some part of your application, be that a whole separate
0:59 package or just an architectural section, like a data access layer, are being consumed correctly.
1:06 And one of the real values of these architectural layers is that you can just sort of think
1:10 about, well, here's the functions I call, create new user, find this record, you know,
1:16 find me this order by this user, or you don't have to think about how that happens, what
1:20 are the connections, all the details or the types involved, you just think of these sort
1:24 of high level of extraction of, of what this data, let's keep going with this data access layer is providing to you.
1:32 And because of that, if you just can make sure as you consume those high level components
1:38 of your app, that all the type information is hanging together, well, it's a good chance
1:43 that internally, the data access layer will be consistent from types, it may or may not have type information.
1:50 But one really big value with typing is to make sure at that boundary layer, like this
1:55 is the API for this section is what you think about as the data access layer or something that that's really secured and reinforced by types.

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