Rock Solid Python with Python Typing Transcripts
Chapter: Typing Guidance, Patterns, and Advice
Lecture: Patterns Introduction

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0:00 So you know all the syntax of Python typing, you know some of the motivation, the history, and you've even seen a bunch of cool frameworks
0:10 on how to use it. Now what? Well, it's one thing to know a technique or some syntax exists, especially around typing,
0:21 it's really important to know when to use it and when not to use it. As we saw, unlike static languages where you always write your code the same,
0:31 you have a choice in Python. And sometimes that choice encourages you to write code with types, but other times, maybe you don't wanna write types.
0:41 We saw that the readability, if you know what the types are already, can actually be a little bit higher without all those symbols around, right?
0:49 So in this chapter, I'm gonna give you some guidance and show you some patterns on sort of when should you use typing,
0:56 what are some of Michael's recommendations, my recommendations, and things like that. So take these as my opinion,
1:03 but I think it's certainly something worth considering as we talk about these typing patterns and type guidance throughout this chapter.

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