Rock Solid Python with Python Typing Transcripts
Chapter: Tools Based on Typing
Lecture: Getting Started with Beartype

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0:00 In order to use bear type, we're going to need to have it installed in our environment, aren't we? And so I'm going to go through this.
0:08 And we'll add it. Let's add it down here in bear type. Now again, once again, you do not need to run the pip-tools command.
0:15 Just pip install -r requirements one time because it's going to be all preloaded when you get started.
0:24 I passed the update flag. So it's possible it's going to make some updates as well. But the most important thing is in here we have bare type.
0:33 And we're going to pip install. Our bare type, excellent. So over here I wanna do two things for examples for working with bare type.
0:45 I wanna do first just a simple introduction of how does it work? What kind of information will it catch? What won't it catch?
0:52 And then I wanna address a really big issue that many of you probably are already already considering is, what about the speed?
1:00 Sure, it's cool to verify all of our code is hanging together, but if it's really slow, then we don't want it.
1:07 So we're gonna come back and we're gonna do some timed type of, not quite profiling, because that somewhat affects the behavior,
1:14 but some timing of some code that we'll write here. So simple one first, and then one that addresses performance separately.
1:21 So let's call this runtime example and we'll say from bear type, import bear type. One is the module, the other one is a decorator.
1:39 So let's just do the main thing here, we'll say def main. And let's write a really, really simple function just so you can see what this is going to
1:48 be like. to put any type hints on the beginning part here. So we'll say equals input, enter the first number,
1:57 second number, and then let's just do some cool math here. Let's go and say...
2:16 Now we got to write our little math on numbers function called this. And this one we're gonna specify that it takes, it's specified takes an int,
2:28 but remember our number tower, let's say it could take an int or a float. So we're gonna do that. And then what is the, this fancy formula?
2:37 Let's go X times X plus three Y. That's good. Now, in order to do runtime, oh, that's supposed to be a Y, in order to do runtime checking,
2:53 all we have to do, go over here and say @BearType, like this. Now, PyCharm is helping us out of here.
3:03 It's like, ""Ugh, input actually returns a string, not a number. I mean, yes, you asked for a number, but that's not really a number.
3:13 But imagine, imagine we didn't know. Let's suppose even we did this and we said, you know what, that is a number. Good job, Michael.
3:21 And then we came over here and said, this is a region, hide this, -n region, like that. Oh, even that has got a little mark on it.
3:35 Let's just say you can't see it, right? Like it looks okay, right? From this point onward, it looks okay.
3:43 And down here, this, sure, you say it takes a float. Everything's good, so you should be able to do these mathematical operations on a float.
3:50 Yes, indeed. But is it really gonna hold together? Hint, no. Let's run it and find out. The first number is 42, and the second one is 100.
4:05 Look at this, whack. We have the bear type, the bear has roared, given us a bare type call hint parameter violation, math on numbers, this dunder main,
4:18 that just means it's really runtime_example, but it's just like when you run it, right? That's all in this convention right there.
4:26 The parameter x equals quote 42 violates the thing that it should be a float because string 42 is not an instance of float. Runtime, folks, runtime.
4:40 How cool is that? So, you know, how do we fix this? Well, we just go and do some sweet parsing up here. Run it again.
4:51 Don't really need those anymore, but run it again. Do what I tried before in 100. The result is 2,064.0. Excellent, right? Excellent.
5:09 So here we have it. Pretty awesome. It really only works on fundamental types or it doesn't really work on super nested things
5:17 like a list of set of float. It doesn't do that verification. Just looks more at the top level types. Let's do one more thing real quick here.
5:27 We'll say math on points. Not super interesting because it's a one-dimensional point, but we'll call this x.value just to
5:49 see whether it'll check it. Up here, I'll do one more. So P1 equals point of X. P2 equals.
6:06 And let's try it again. We'll say 1 and 2. Awesome. That works. Of course it runs. But what if we try to put a Y here? 1, 2. Excellent.
6:18 Excellent. So you can see even for our own types here, it's saying, ""Look, the float
6:24 value 2.0 is not an instance of the point class."" But what it doesn't do is it doesn't
6:30 look within collections. So like I said, I have a dictionary that has a list of things
6:35 and you somehow express that in typing, it's not going to verify that. But it does check, you know, top level types like this, and it's awesome.

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