Rock Solid Python with Python Typing Transcripts
Chapter: Frameworks Built on Typing
Lecture: FastAPI, Beanie, and Pydantic MongoDB Example
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So you saw it in action. Let's just look at some of the code here. There's not too much going on for FastAPI. We basically have a package,
API section of routes and a stats over here. So these are over an API and we have a package and stats.
So right away, you can see the response model is a stats model, which is a Pydantic model with these three things. So that's pretty cool.
we've we've got this right slash API slash stats as you saw right here with data that
looks like this out of our database out of somewhere and we don't really see exactly
where it's from yet we will in a moment but not only does this stats model control what
data is sent back and what its format is right here we're setting up that model and returning
in it, but if we go over here and we say docs, check this out, go to the stats, it comes
over here, it says it's a void sort of thing, but here's what a response looks like.
It has a schema with these three things that implicitly are specified as numbers.
So that documentation is also driven by Python type hints and this model right there again, which is just a standard Pydantic model.
Okay, super, super cool. So that's the FastAPI layer. We're talking to beanie, which requires us to do which talks to Mongo, which requires
us to do async code. So this is an async API endpoint and a weight here. These are pretty simple, we'll look at them anyway.
So how do we go and say, well, returns an integer, obviously we say that. How do we do this? We call package.count.
That is, we look at what is package. Package is a beanie document with Python, type hints, and even overriding things like
how do we create the default values? Well, you call the function when you need a value if it's not specified.
There's some optional ones and so on, right? So here's our beanie document, which is really a pedantic document. And then we just call count.
And we await that because it's async, talks to MongoDB, pulls that information back.
But down here a little bit more, we can do a more interesting query, you can say I want to get the most recently updated, maybe this should say int.
We want to get a count, which is an integer, because we specified by five there, it assumes
that's always an integer, but right by default, it's five, but we could pass in however many and we get a list of package.
So how do we do that we go over here, we go to the class, this is the beanie pedantic model.
And we can say find find all find one find many, there's a lot of different finds, but find all that means just give me everything.
But then let's sort them and do a limit on how many there are. So if we sort them, so the very newest is first and the second newest is second.
And then we say just show me five. Well that gives you the five newest ones because everything after that is older call to list.
We await that call, which does the async stuff, turns it into a list of package objects again Pydantic models. And those get used over here.
So for example, this is the packages recent or you saw get the count passed in by fast
API converts that to an int instead of a string, make sure it's there.
And we call this function get the packages, we come up with this transformation for the
return model, because we don't want to show all the data, it turns out there's way, way, way too much data.
If you pass all the releases, all that over, so we kind of transform it to this response
Pydantic model that we're going to return, set it up here so it drives the documentation
and also controls what can be returned by FastAPI itself and boom, off it goes.
So there it is, Pydantic, Beanie, FastAPI, all working together, all using this Python type information in many, many interesting ways.