Rock Solid Python with Python Typing Transcripts
Chapter: Frameworks Built on Typing
Lecture: Setting up Our FastAPI Example
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For this last example, let's take some of these things and put them together.
Pydantic, Beanie, FastAPI into a somewhat realistic web app that I'll give you to work with and we can play with some of the things going on there.
All right, now this is a complex application that I built up in another course, the one on Async MongoDB. That would take an hour to build at least.
So we're not going to do that. We're just going to start from having the code here. I'm going to call that web example.
And in this, we need to set this as a sources route as well. And we're going to run this. But in order to run this, we have to update our dependencies.
It is based on things like FastAPI, and UVicorn and others. So let's go down to our pip-tools.
Again, you don't need to do this, just need to run the requirements.txt. But I'm doing it for you. And you can use it to update things along the way.
So this app uses passlib, I'll put this up here like that. It uses passlib and the argon2 password hash for its account management.
It uses FastAPI for the web framework. It uses beanie to talk to MongoDB. More about how to work with that in a second.
It's going to use Jinja2 to show HTML and uvicorn to run. So let's go down here and I'll do pip compile, pip requirements.pip, or requirements.pip
tools upgrade. And now this has been updated and you can see there's a lot more stuff here like argon2c, ffi, beanie, and others.
So we got a pip install -r, a bunch of things. Now, if we go over here, all those errors should go away and we should be able to run this code.
Let's try it, see what happens. Yes, look at that. We're talking to our MongoDB server on localhost for a database called PyPI.
Let's just click here and see what we get. Now, this data, this example is an API that lets you get information about a subset of PyPI data.
That is the data out of the Python package index. I took some of the popular, their first top 1,000 or top 5,000 packages
and put them into MongoDB in a way that we could work with. So if we wanna go over here and get the five most recent packages, here they are.
And by the way, if you're working with this kind of data, Firefox is such a better way to do it. Why you ask? Well, look at that view.
You have the raw view, which you can pretty print or you can look at this straight away. And I just wish some of the other browsers
like Vivaldi, the one I really like, had a better view of it. But we can come over here and it lets you ask for most recently updated packages.
Here we have Beanie, Boto and Pydantic. And if we go back here, You can see I want the details for say, FastAPI,
and there's pretty much everything you would see in terms of releases and description, read me type stuff on the page. Okay, so there's also stats.
I guess here's how many packages I was able to load in that I thought were relevant, popular ones. So very, very cool.
This is all done and powered with, as I said, FastAPI, Pydantic, and Beanie.