Rock Solid Python with Python Typing Transcripts
Chapter: Frameworks Built on Typing
Lecture: pip-tools for Adding Requirements
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Now to get started, we need to install Pydantic into our virtual environment. Remember at the beginning,
I added this virtual environment called Python type hints. If we open our terminal, you can see that it is active right there
and which version of Python it is. Now, of course I could just say pip install Pydantic, that's how it works,
but I want to make sure that we have a repeatable and safe way, a stable way of adding requirements
and dependencies 'cause as we go through this chapter and subsequent one, there's gonna be a lot of things we're going to be working with.
So I'm gonna use this thing called pip-tools. Now let me give you a quick preview of how this works. So typically, you might go to the PyProject toml,
you might go like with flit or poetry. I like to keep things more simple and straightforward, just the built-in stuff.
So I'm gonna use requirements.txt. And over here, you would have something like Pydantic. Now to be safe, you need to say Pydantic,
you know, whatever version 2.0.4, whatever the current version is. And you probably also need to figure out the dependencies of Pydantic.
Set those in here as well. So instead of going through this process, I'm gonna use something called pip-tools. And I'm gonna call this pip-tools.
It could be called anything, it doesn't matter. But I like to call it pip-tools, and then it generates the,
pip-tools will generate the requirements.txt. Check this out. Make sure we have this installed. It does, if you don't have it,
just pip install pip-tools. So the command we wanna run is pip compile, giving it this input that says, here are top level dependencies,
generate the requirements files pinned, and hey, if there's a new version of not just identic, but one of its dependencies that matches,
that still satisfies the requirements, you know, like whatever Pydantic restrictions might have on them, then also upgrade those. So I'll run this.
You do not need to do this 'cause the file you need will already have been created right here. So notice it says we're gonna require Pydantic 241,
which is apparently the current version because we set it here. But look, we also need annotated types because Pydantic needs it.
And here's its pinned version. The core is needed for Pydantic. That's why here and this one is required by both of those and it's pinned and so on.
So the last thing to do is pip install -r requirements like so. You'll see me sometimes write PIR, I have a alias for that,
but you can type it out if you wish. All right, now this warning should go away and if you go over here and say pip list,
you'll see things like Pydantic, okay? I wanna walk you through that Just so you know what the deal is with these files,
again, you do not need to have pip-tools, you do not need to run pip compile, you just need to pip install -r requirements.txt.
But now you know where they come from, why it's here, so on. This is a primo way to manage your requirements.
Wanna update them, just run that --upgrade and it'll figure out what the newest version of everything can be. Highly recommend pip-tools.