Rock Solid Python with Python Typing Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the Course
Lecture: You'll Need Python 3.10 or Newer

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0:00 Guess what, you need Python to take this course. In fact, to take advantage of all the things we're
0:07 going to talk about, you're going to need a pretty modern version of Python for this course. For
0:13 example, some of the features are only available in Python 3.9. And a couple of them are only
0:18 available in 3.10. So if you either don't have Python, or are not sure which version of Python
0:26 you have, I put together a guide that we have for all of our courses over at
0:32 installing-python. Check that out. It's kind of a choose your own adventure for your operating
0:39 system and then how to figure out which version of Python you have. For this course, Python 3.10
0:45 is a real minimum, but I'd recommend go ahead and going for the latest. Right now that's 3.11.
0:52 very, very soon that's going to be 3.12. So, Python is very good at being backwards compatible.
0:59 But that said, you're going to need Python 3.10 or above in order to do all the code samples and run the example projects from this course.

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