Python-powered Chat Apps with Twilio and SendGrid Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Modeling data with SQLAlchemy classes
Lecture: Architecture
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Before we actually start writing code for SQLAlchemy, let's get a quick 50,000 foot view by looking at the overall architecture.
So when we think of SQLAlchemy there's really three layers. First of all, it's build upon Python's DB-API.
So this is a standard API, actually it's DB-API 2.0 these days, but we don't have that version here. This is defined by PEP 249
and it defines a way that Python can talk to different types of databases using the same API. So SQLAlchemy doesn't try to reinvent that
they just build upon this. But there's two layers of SQLAlchemy. There's a SQLAlchemy core, which defines schemas and types.
A SQL expression language, that is a kind of generic query language that can be transformed into a dialect that the different databases speak.
There's an engine, which manages things like the connection and connection pooling, and actually which dialect to use.
You may not be aware, but the SQL query language that used to talk to Microsoft SQL server is not the same that used to talk to Oracle
it's not the same that used to talk to Postgre. They all have slight little variations that make them different, and that can make it hard
to change between database engines. But, SQLAlchemy does that adaptation for us using its core layer. So if you want to do SQL-like programming
and work mainly in set operations well here you go, you can just use the core and that's a little bit faster and a little bit closer to the metal.
You'll find most people, though when they're working with SQLAlchemy it will be using what's called an Object Relational Mapper, object being classes
relational, database, and going between them. So what you do is you define classes and you define fields and properties on them
and those are mapped, transformed into the database using SQLAlchemy and its mapper here. So what we're going to do is we're going to
define a bunch of classes that model our database things like packages, releases users, maintainers and so on in SQLAlchemy
and then SQLAlchemy will actually create the database the database schema, everything and we're just going to talk to SQLAlchemy.
It'll be a thing of beauty.