Python-powered Chat Apps with Twilio and SendGrid Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Modeling data with SQLAlchemy classes
Lecture: Who uses SQLAlchemy?

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0:00 When you choose a framework whether that's for a database or a web framework it's good to know that you're in good company
0:06 and that other companies and products have already tested this and looked around and decided Yep, SQLAlchemy is a great choice.
0:14 So let's look at some of the popular deployments. Dropbox is a user of SQLAlchemy and Dropbox is one of the most significant Python shops out there.
0:26 Guido van Rossum and some of the other core developers work there and almost everything they do is in Python. So the fact that they use SQLAlchemy
0:34 that's a very high vote of confidence. Uber. Uber uses SQLAlchemy. Reddit. Reddit's interesting in that they don't use the ORM
0:44 but in fact they use only the core. At least, wow, hey we're using only the core aspect of SQLAlchemy, that's pretty cool.
0:53 Firefox, Mozilla, more properly is using SQLAlchemy. OpenStack makes heavy use of SQLAlchemy. FreshBooks, the accounting software
1:03 based on, you guessed it, SQLAlchemy! We've got Hulu, Yelp, TriMet, that's the public transit authority for all of Portland, Oregon.
1:13 The trains, the buses and things like that so they use that as well. So here are just a couple of the companies and products that use SQLAlchemy.
1:21 There's some really high pressure some of these are under. You know if it's working for them it's going to work well for you, especially Reddit.
1:28 Reddit gets a crazy amount of traffic, so pretty interesting that they're all using it and we'll see why in a little bit.

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