Python-powered Chat Apps with Twilio and SendGrid Transcripts
Chapter: Using our database with the SQLAlchemy ORM
Lecture: Need to learn SQLAchemy? See the appendix
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In this chapter, we're going to be talking to a database.
And rather than directly writing SQL queries and insert statements and delete statements and so on we're gonna be using SQLAlchemy.
SQLAlchemy is an ORM, object relational mapper. You may know of it. It's certainly the most widely used
ORM in Python. We're not going to go into each and new SQLAlchemy In this course. We're just going to use it. So if you're familiar with it,
fantastic, just follow along. We're not going to be doing anything super advanced or fancy with our ORM.
But if it's totally new to you and you want to learn about it, don't worry. I put a special appendix at the end of this course that you
can go and find where you can learn all about SQLAlchemy and then, you know, come back after this video and carry on,
and you will also be ready to fall along. You're welcome is a ton of fun to work with,
so I hope you're looking forward to using it to actually saving all of these orders and customers that come in properly to a database.