Python Memory Management and Tips Transcripts
Chapter: Python variables and memory
Lecture: The size of objects

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0:00 Alright, let's answer some questions and you can see I've already threw in the questions up here just you don't have to watch me type like print.
0:08 How big is this? How big is that? And the thing I want to explore is how much memory is used by certain things. So we get a sense for a
0:17 number versus a string that has one character versus a string with 20 characters or a string with one character versus 20.
0:24 Like how much is it? The character space versus all the underlying runtime infrastructure. That's gonna contribute to the memory use.
0:31 So we're in luck. Python has a good way to answer this. We're gonna import sys. And over here we can print out things like
0:40 sys.getsizeof a thing like the number four. So let's do that real quick and then run. How big is the number four?
0:50 Well, in a language like C++ or C# or something like that where these are just allocated locally,
0:57 you always have to talk about the size and the number is like a short or a long or something like that. But typically this would be 2, 4, or 8 bytes
1:07 long. in Python, a number, a small number, is 28. If we had a little bit bigger number,
1:14 it's still 28. Let me make a little bigger so it stays on the screen But if it's a lot bigger, we use a tiny bit more memory.
1:25 So the size matters, but not so much. But there is some overhead. Remember, this is the PyObject pointer and all the things to know how many people are
1:35 keeping track of it, where it was allocated, what type it is. All of these things are happening behind the scenes, and we just see the simple number 4,
1:43 but Python is doing a bunch of work through that infrastructure that we talked about. Remember the red pill stuff? That's what's happening,
1:50 that's why this a little bit bigger. Alright, what about this one? Let's print sys.getsizeof the letter
1:57 "a". Well, these you feel like these might be similar, right? I mean, in most programming languages,
2:04 that's 1, 2 or 4 bytes and this is 2, 4, 8 So maybe it's even smaller. Let's see. Nope. 50. It's bigger. So it turns out, strings have a lot going on,
2:14 so there's a little bit going on there. And let's see if we have a big string like this. How much larger is it? 25. Well, 25 larger right? 75 now,
2:29 and that's because we have 26 of these rather than 1. So you just multiply that by 26. We get our 26 with multiplied by 100.
2:40 Look, it's about 100 bigger. Okay, that's what's going on here, right? So basically, there's this infrastructure to keep track of the string and do
2:47 all the string things and then the extra data. And if we had Unicode characters, they might take up more than one byte per character.
2:56 How about a list? Simple little empty list. How big is that? 56. Okay, that's not too super large. Now let's do something with like,
3:11 10 items in it. There we go. I put 10 in there. Let's see how much bigger it is. 136. Well, that's quite a bit bigger.
3:21 Let's think about that for a second. Well, what does the list actually contain?
3:25 The list doesn't contain the values the list contains basically what every variable in Python is It contains a pointer to a number out in memory.
3:35 So there's somewhere out in memory a 1. And in here in the list, there's the go find the 1 the number over there and then
3:41 here's another pointer out to the 2 wherever it is in memory. These smaller numbers are interesting where that actually is.
3:48 But we've got a list, and it's got 10 of those in there. The lists generally don't allocate one slot at a time.
3:54 They kind of grow in a doubling type of way, like, you've got 10, and then you add a few more so we're gonna allocate
4:00 20 and then 40 and and so on that kind of pattern so that you're not
4:04 constantly allocating every time you're adding something and copying cause that's super slow. All right, well, that's how big that is.
4:11 Sort of. We're going to see that this going to get interesting and let's actually do something else. So how much memory did this take like,
4:19 How much does that line contribute? Well, it contributes, we saw that each number is 28 and then it's gonna
4:29 allocate whatever the list needs to be. The list by itself is 56. So each one of them would have 280 bites, probably for all of those numbers,
4:40 those 10 numbers because they're 28 each and then we're gonna have the 56 for the list. That's like 320 or something 330.
4:50 And then there's also the pointers that are gonna be in the list as well that have to point out there, maybe the over allocation.
4:56 So something's going on like this is not big enough, right? Just in the numbers alone,
5:00 they should take 280 bytes. We're going to see what's going on in a minute but this is how much room this thing is taking.
5:06 But let's try to force the issue by saying "What if there's a large piece of data right there and a large piece of data
5:15 right here?" So I'm gonna do a little bit of work here. I'm going to come up with some data that we're gonna ask about,
5:21 and I'm going to go from 1 to 11. I'm going to add in some stuff 10 times. The number of elements in the list should
5:32 be the same. I'm going to come up with an item and the item is going to be a list that starts out with the number of whatever it is the loop.
5:39 So, first time through this will be 1 second time It'll be 2, and so on, and Python has this funky little trick that we can do here.
5:46 So if n is 7 and we can come over here, there's a list of Let's put, like 3 in there and we times n what we get is a like a multiple
5:58 a list with that copied that many times. So here we get a single list with seven 3's instead of just one 3. We're going to
6:07 do that here. i times i so first it will be 1, then 4, so on, times 10. And by the time that gets to be 10 that's
6:17 gonna be 1000. So it'll be a list with 10 in it 1000 times. the last one that's out here is gonna be bigger than just, you know,
6:24 the number 10. Absolutely. You're gonna put that item in there and let's just really quickly print out data just so you see what we got here.
6:33 Notice there's a whole bunch of tens and a bunch of nines fewer and so on, right? It kind of grows geometrically. All right,
6:40 so that looks like that did kind of like what I said it did. And let's just print sys.getsizeof, Data. 184. What do you think? I'm gonna think
6:51 no. no, that's not right. But, this does give us a sense of what the base size is. So what are we answering or what
7:00 information are we getting when we say getsizeof? What we're getting is it
7:05 goes through and it says, "I'm gonna look at the actual data structure, the list".
7:09 So, this one right here and let's see how much it's internally allocated, what are its fields? And if it's got a big buffer to store items it
7:19 puts in it. How long is that buffer? But what it doesn't do is it doesn't traverse the object graph. It doesn't go "Okay, well,
7:26 there's 10 things in here. Let me follow the reference from each one of those 10. See how big it is. And if it has references, follow their references"
7:33 it doesn't do this traversal which is actually what you need to know about how much memory is used. But this getsizeof, its A start,
7:41 you'll see that there's a better way that we can get going to actually answer this question more accurately.

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