Python Memory Management and Tips Transcripts
Chapter: Setup and tools
Lecture: Our code editor

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0:00 If you want to follow along exactly what I'm doing, I'm going to be using PyCharm so you should use PyCharm too.
0:07 It's a fantastic tool for writing Python code and exploring it. However, if you don't want to, you can use other editors as well.
0:14 That's fine. So, if you're going to use PyCharm, I recommend you just get the latest version and use that. They offer
0:21 two versions. They offer the PyCharm Community Edition and The PyCharm Pro Edition.
0:25 For what we're doing this course the community addition, the free open source edition is totally fine. There's one step where I say
0:32 "let's see the CPU profile graph in PyCharm" and we spend about one minute on that.
0:38 That requires the Pro Edition, which you can just look at the picture, you don't have to be able to run it yourself.
0:43 Other than that, you're gonna be able to do everything with the free, open source
0:48 Pycharm Community Edition. So, there's no real reason to not use it other than you just want to use another editor.
0:53 I think this is a great one and you'll see me using it throughout the course. The best way to get PyCharm is to go to the JetBrains toolbox and get
1:03 that installed and then use that to install either PyCharm Pro or PyCharm Community or both, and this will keep it up to date and let you know
1:10 when there's new versions and let you roll back to different versions. It's a much nicer
1:15 way to work with PyCharm and the JetBrains applications rather than just installing it directly. If you don't want to use PyCharm, which is fine,
1:24 I recommend that you use Visual Studio Code. That's the other really good editor these days.
1:30 Those two have, like 85%, 90% of the market share at this point. From what I can tell the recent surveys and so on,
1:38 this is a great one. Just be sure that you install the Python extension or it's not going to do much for you.
1:44 And you get that by clicking on this little button here and then the Python extension
1:48 is the most popular one. Looks like it's been downloaded 55 million times when I took this screenshot, and I know it's much higher than that right now.
1:57 So, two editor options, PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, PyCharm community free version will totally work for this course.

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