Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps Transcripts
Chapter: App 9: Real Estate Analysis App
Lecture: Concept: Python 3 AND Python 2
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Let's take a moment and look at this core concept of one mechanism for supporting both Python 2 and Python 3.
You saw in our previous example that we wanted to use the statistics module to compute the mean, now I realize there are many ways to compute the mean,
we don't need to fall back on this, it's a pretty simple mechanism but the idea is there is some module or some feature
in a later version of Python that wasn't supported in a prior one. So this is not even about Python 2 versus Python 3,
this is like Python 3.4 versus previous versions, ok, so the statistics module is imported in Python 3.4.3
if we run this code on anything earlier than that, it's going to fail, it's going to say there is no module statistics, right,
if we have it it's a super easy way to compute the mean of a set of numbers, you can see below, we've got a bunch of numbers, static.mean numbers boom,
out comes the average. But it fails on a lot of the versions of Python. So what do we do?
One way we can solve this problem is we can use a try and just an empty except, there are possible problems you can expose yourself to here,
but in this simple case it definitely works well. So, we can say it look, let's try to import the statistics module,
if it doesn't work it's going to throw an exception and we could actually catch the right type of exception,
we'll get into exceptions later in the next app, but it's easy enough for us to go and write the statistics to
and we define a mean method and it takes the same parameters as the real one and the implementation you saw in the previous example write it,
it was quite easy. So the way we solve our problem and we get sort of code that runs on all the versions of Python is
we try to import the statistics on new versions that just works and uses the best new module for that if it doesn't work
it's going to fail fall into the except block and we are going to use this specific type of import say we are going to import statistics to stand_in
and we are going to actually give it the name statistics for this particular file and since it's a mean method,
the statistics.mean it works exactly as we would expect. Boom, now our code works on all the versions of Python, just like that.