Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps Transcripts
Chapter: App 5: Real-time weather client
Lecture: Concept: Virtual environments

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0:00 Let's talk about virtual environments one more time, and I specifically want to cover how the Windows version is different,
0:07 specifically different than doing things on Mac and Linux. They're both great. They both have the same concept in the same functionality,
0:14 but because of the way the shells work, mostly, and the way that Python gets installed, partly, you gotta issue slightly different commands.
0:21 They're very easy once you get used to them, but at first it can be a stumbling block. Okay, so let's review the Linux and macOS version.
0:29 So what we're gonna do is we want to create a virtual environment in our top level project, the top directory,
0:35 the root level directory of our projects. Sp we say "Python3 -m venv", so the "-m venv" means run the command within Python 3, and then the
0:43 orange "venv" is the directory name. So those happen to be the same by convention most of the time, they don't have to be.
0:49 Once that happens, it's created, but you don't actually have access to it yet.
0:53 You have to activate it. So you have to say "dot", meaning apply to this shell, or source, and then "venv/bin/activate".
1:01 That's going to change things about Python, it's going to change the path, it's going to change the prompt, and when you run things like "pip List",
1:09 you'll see you no longer have the entire system, whatever is installed for the Python there. You just have a fresh, empty Python,
1:16 and the only packages it has are the tools that you need in order to install more packages. pip and setuptools.
1:23 And then we can ask "which Python" and it says "It's the one here in this project". So it's header's a project directory called "weather_app",
1:30 You'd see it's the one in "venv/bin/Python" and then off you go
1:34 to install various things. One thing you might consider, didn't happen this time because Python
1:39 3.9 was just released, but often what happens is pip itself is out of date and any time you try to use pip,
1:45 it'll complain to you that it's out of date. This is like 80 - 90 percent of the time you're pip is out of date. It's not worth going into why that is,
1:53 but when you create a virtual environment, just get in the habit of always upgrading your base level tools,
1:59 pip and setuptools, so you're working with the latest one as you install other things. So here's what you do on macOS and Linux.
2:05 This two parts right there are mostly, it's basically where it varies for Linux versus Windows. Sometimes the Python 3 versus Python varies,
2:15 but that depends on how you set up your Windows machine. Speaking of windows, over here, same thing. Probably you just run "Python -m", depends.
2:23 Then, once we create our virtual environment, we don't activate it with the dot, We omit the dot and instead of the
2:29 bin folder, there's a scripts folder. So you say "venv\scripts\activate" why there's a difference there,
2:35 they haven't unified those things, I have no idea because it seems trivial to do so, but they haven't done it for years and years,
2:42 So this is how you do it in Windows. Just remember, not bin, scripts, pip list, exactly the same. Once you've activated it, your prompt changes,
2:49 it has the venv in there again. Now you can't ask which on Windows, That's not a command, but a command that does work on command prompt is "where".
2:57 So here you get the same basic answer. It's the version of Python in the virtual environment Windows style. So scripts folder, Python.exe,
3:05 you'll also see other Pythons. But when you type Python, it's going to show, the where command shows
3:09 you all of them in the path, you're going to run the first one that's found in the path, which is the blue one from the virtual environment.
3:15 Again, you want to upgrade pip and setuptools for exactly the same reason. So the big difference, these two. Remember, it's no dot, scripts not bin,
3:24 and then "where" instead of "which" Python. That's it, they might seem like a bit of a stumbling block it first,
3:29 but trust me, once you get used to them, you just do it the way that you do it on any OS and off you go.

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