Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps Transcripts
Chapter: App 5: Real-time weather client
Lecture: App start

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0:00 Well, let's create our application, our project, to build our weather client here. We're gonna say "new project",
0:07 and we're gonna create it in the "weather_client" folder on my desktop,
0:10 then I'll move it into the GitHub Repository. It's gonna be using the Python 3.9 interpreter, just the system one for now,
0:15 we'll talk about what that means in a minute, and I'm not gonna use this main script, welcome script,
0:21 that PyCharm just added to its functionality for new projects. Over here we have our empty project and I'm gonna add,
0:28 as we do for all of these, a new Python file and we'll call it "program". Then just to get the little button lit up here,
0:34 let's go ahead and, once it's done indexing, right click and say Run. Run it, and of course it does nothing,
0:41 but you can see it's now ready to run with the hotkeys or with that little button there. So what are we going to do in our program?
0:47 Let's just write these out as steps. Well, we're going to show the header and we're gonna get the location requests, or
0:55 the city, where do you want to get the weather for. We're gonna convert what they type
1:00 in into more useful data. What they're going to type is something like, they're gonna enter, you know, maybe Portland,
1:07 Oregon as a whole single string here. And what we want to know is both Portland is the city, and Oregon is the state,
1:13 and the default is that the country is the United States or something like that.
1:18 So we're gonna convert plain text over to data we can use. Once we have that data
1:25 for the city and the country and state and all those sorts of things, we can get the report from the API, the actual weather API that we're
1:33 going to use, and then the last thing, we're gonna report the weather. What we're gonna get back from the API
1:38 is structured data, and we want to take pieces of that data and turn it into something that's friendly to humans.
1:44 Like "the weather is gonna be 57 degrees and sunny", Not "here is some data structure that the API returned".
1:50 So that's what this last thing here is going to be about. So these are the steps that we're gonna have to take to build this simple application.

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