Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps Transcripts
Chapter: App 5: Real-time weather client
Lecture: Intro to our weather client app
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Hello and welcome to app number five. This time we're gonna build a weather client; an application that you run, and you can
ask "what is the weather" in virtually any town in the world. Now, this is not a simulated weather client.
It's not going to just give some random thing like "maybe it's gonna be cloudy and 72". No, it's going to go out to the Internet and actually get the
weather at that location. So we're going to do some really, really cool stuff. Let's see exactly what we're going to build.
It's gonna look like this. It'll have a little header like all of our apps do, and it will say
"enter your location" and you put in a city and a country, or just a city within the U.S., or a city and a state in the country
U.S. However you want. Here, we're gonna say "I'd like to know the weather in Seattle" and right now, when
I ran this, it said the weather in Seattle is 54.48 degrees Fahrenheit and the forecast is clouds, specifically scattered clouds.
And then I asked for Stuttgart, Germany, Deutschland, the weather in Stuttgart, Germany is 47°F and overcast clouds.
Cool, right? So this is what we're gonna build and you'll see, While it may sound complicated to go out actually to the Internet and get all this
information with Python, it's gonna be awesome.